[b]IConfessThat[/b] ;;
[quote][align=center]• I'm totally sleepy right now. My mom woke me up very early in the morning and force me to take a bath. Argh. I want to sleep but I better not.

• I'm not afraid of going to the dentist anymore. Yay! Thanks to my dentist that gives me no pain. Well, except for tooth extraction.

• I'm not going to say that this braces sucks because it doesn't. I don't like to have braces but I needed to. Well, the good thing about this thingy is that it will solve my biggest appearance problem. But the bad thing is, I can't eat frozen banana.

Haha. I like the color though. It's [i]red[/i].

And it hurts. Freaking hurts.
• I tried to eat toasted bread with strawberry jam but when I bite the bread, my teeth hurts. Haha. XD It's funny for me. But it really hurts. XD
• I've decided. I'm watching [b]it[/b] again.

Aww. Never get tired of it. *daydreaming
• I wish my buddies won't get mad at me because I didn't show up. I'm terribly sorry, guys. Maybe I'll join the session next time.
• It was my [b]second[/b] time being a 'Featured Member' in Ftalk.

Well, bad thing that I didn't [i]prntscrn[/i] the first time I was featured. But this time, it was a sure ball.

• I laughed when [b]Eri[/b] calls me and I'm taking a bath.

Even until now.
