[b]•[/b] I Confess that i Do not Post in the Fun-Corner Anymore, Since the one im used to be fun-ning with is Inactive now.
[b]•[/b] I Confess that i miss my "Still alive n Kickin"&"Hyper" Badge's, Im still Alive in Ftalk, But for a reason im not used to Posting anymore.
[b]•[/b] I Confess that i want to go to School already.
[b]•[/b] I Confess that i MISS my BESTFRiEND so much, Even if she was here a week(s) ago, I Mean, Yeah i miss her every second of my life.

i guess you guys need to understand the feeling to have only one "real" bestfriend from my entire life that makes my anger go away just when i see her.
[b]•[/b] I Confess that i want to make so many stories but i know i wont finish it.
[b]•[/b] I Confess that my iPod is so tired of playing songs for 3-4 hours now