I confess that
- I am so proud of myself again `cause I accepted again at Swimming Club. Yaaaay! Hohoho~ It's good to be first always to all strokes that we`re reprimanded to do so. I really had fun with the screening but, when I did the tumble-turn, my head went dizzy and I was like.. [i]baby, baby, baby, ohhhhh.[/i] Kidding. XD I was like.. fnekhfnagsb! Where am I? XD I beat all my co-swim mates. Oh yeah. \mm/ I have a new time record of Swimming.

- I met a new friend today. \: DDD/ She`s my classmate. XD And she`s pretty, ohh.

But i`m not gonna be a lesbianvjsfsdfhebjgwfc because of her.

I swearrrrr, uh.

- I hate yesterday and today. I`m all alone at home, and.. There`s no lunch after all. So I ate Kokocrunch for my lunch. T-T