[quote=blackmamba;#3638579;1277221638]^ Trinoma? :\ Awww. It's far. T.T
But I wanna go.
If there's an EB on December, then I might be able to make it since I'm spending this Christmas in Manila.
The last EB was on Mall of Asia, right? ^^[/quote]
Nope. It's at TriNoma also.

I wish I could be with you guys overnight. My parents might not allow me even if you live near our place. Hahaha. You know, they don't trust me that much. Hahaha. Anyway, I would make pilit so that I could be with you guys. Hahaha. Lezz have a lotta ffuuuuuunnnnnn. :>
Lotsa fun just like before. But this time, it's gonna be so organized.