2010-07-03 08:19:04

» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Folks, It's been awhile since I visited Philippines , but anyhow.. just wanted to shoot this idea out. Maybe you guys are interested. Probably somewhere like a "mall" where we can just have a simple

I've read the plans about the next GEB. Opinions regarding the next GEB? I'll probably post my opinions later on since the GEB plans are just starting to improve. Well.. I CAN'T COME, I'm sorry. LOLJK. :lol3: I'll do what I can do to attend this EB. Isdk if I'm 100% sure on this, because I just make force of my mom to allow me to go to manila this July 11. And my mom is kept on saying that "stop going to Manila". OMO! :lol3: so let's see what I can do.

Last edited by jamessss:b (2010-07-03 08:21:31)

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