[quote=karuro72002]^ahehe...owie?! can u give me one! please please please please! since i gave u ur 1st fan sign, i want you pose using Eye Glass Nerdy look! please with PINKISH blush on!

it would be great!

as u wish sire~ ahahahah.
i have all requiered stuffs for dat pose~

but lemme buy batteries for ma camera first.lol.
so dat i may take pic >_<
[b]@HILYN[/b] : sure XD. ahehe. but please wid yer face. ugly or not i dun care.ahahaha.lol.
Tomorrow for Karuro and Hilyn!
[i]ps. for those whom i mentioned last time, i'm gonna post it whenever my friend upload it in her friendster. i've already taken the pics of it but its in ma friend's celfone. i'l tell her to post it as soon asap.

[b]i promise~!
Last edited by 사랑해요UmA_loVe사&# (2008-04-03 13:19:53)