• » [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

[quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

keil.,bob.,faith.,maye.,lalaine.,and duch!! v v v [spoiler] for keilmaru:D [img]http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg65/mozart_042001/bgfj.jpg[/img] for bob:D [img]http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg65/mozart_042001/120723266582616.jpg[/img] for faith:D [img]http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg65/mozart_042001/120723549477441.jpg[/img] for maye:D [img]http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg65/mozart_042001/120723266582616-1.gif[/img] for lalaine:D [img]http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg65/mozart_042001/fdrdg.gif[/img] and for duch:D [img]http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg65/mozart_042001/gt.gif[/img][/spoiler] and for sis jem., hehe. sory about the spelling!!! karurengs and luck..,wers mine ???:P

Last edited by stitch05 (2008-04-03 11:59:04)

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

[quote=kristina16]nice one siz...nice hand writting.. =) really cute!! ;)[/quote] ^oh thanks sis :D ,. irs for you :D lolx,. [spoiler][img]http://img444.imageshack.us/img444/8648/23879965qh9.jpg[/img] never mind my messy nail color[/spoiler] Who wants a fansign?... :eh: Im not askin for any return eh :D if u want ill make one,. for pastym :) [i]but if u want to give for a return then thank you :D ...kiddin[/i]

Last edited by HiLyNkAwAii (2008-04-03 11:29:18)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

^ei wer's mine?! hmm :lol: @Jemmie: ow yeah?! same here! hate math! dats why i didnt take Computer Related Courz! & engr! hahaha :lol: i hate SOLVING! Nursing! more on memorization! twice lng ang Math! :lol: @aires: wer mine?!
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

^do u want one karuro? :D lolx.. mine was posted,.. but still making one for deathsiren eh: :D my newest sweet friend.. i have my lists..lolxx.. im their hugeST fan,. :D
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

^ me i wan wan..i wan wan! hehe..i'll give one back too ^_^
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

^ ^yeah Sure! @Bob:wer's mine?! ahehe...if ull make me one, ill give you one :lol:
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

^ Oooohh..okie okie. 2mrow. Next on List: maye irish lyn stitch karuro kristine kim anyone else?
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

:gift: Here's me :) Maye....[i]unahan na kita[/i] btw, :O ur from Regis and St. Paul?,. :) maybe weve met somewhere b4 lolx kiddin ,. Thanks sis :rose: [spoiler][img]http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/757/73501788ph5.jpg[/img] oops, have u seen my work 4 shirowkun? [/spoiler] karureks ;) [spoiler][img]http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/7573/44700338wc2.jpg[/img][/spoiler] for luck and skill :) ,.i saw ur name on other post,. its BOB ayt? :D [spoiler][img]http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/1381/14613698sr4.jpg[/img][/spoiler] [i]itoldu im on my mood :redface: but never mind again my fading nail color :puke:[/i]

Last edited by HiLyNkAwAii (2008-04-03 12:40:05)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

BOB:im excited! :lol: HiLy:no FACE?! :cry: dats FINE! atleast cute!
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

[quote=karuro72002]BOB:im excited! :lol: HiLy:no FACE?! :cry: dats FINE! atleast cute![/quote] lols karuro..its so late at night..i look horrible :redface: im sorry :D @T still thinking how can i make one for [i]My king :redface:[/i] lolx.. oh btw, i tried to draw ur face :D ..but forgive me,..:cry: i cant..huhu

Last edited by HiLyNkAwAii (2008-04-03 12:46:29)

Shim Oo-Ma
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

[quote=lucknskill]Next on List: maye irish lyn stitch karuro kristine kim anyone else?[/quote] where's my name? i made a fasyn for ya but i didn't upload da pic yet. too bad :( somthing's wrong wid ma bluetooth :cry: [b]@KARURO[/b] : Thank u sooooooooooooo much! ily! that is ma first fansyn eva! i like da model ehem. :eh: [b]TOPIC[/b] it is coming.
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

^ahehe...owie?! can u give me one! please please please please! since i gave u ur 1st fan sign, i want you pose using Eye Glass Nerdy look! please with PINKISH blush on! :D it would be great! =D @Shirow:ahmm...wer's mine?! =D TAE ka! PEACE! :D
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

^ uma sis... i love to make a fan sign for you... ur really cute :eh: u made me remember my lil sis.. do u want one? :D @T,.. [spoiler][img]http://img520.imageshack.us/img520/1091/45316381gf4.jpg[/img] [b]I just thot of the Admin :D[/b][/spoiler] im his fan ;) lol im crazy now :ninja:

Last edited by HiLyNkAwAii (2008-04-03 13:06:08)

Shim Oo-Ma
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

[quote=karuro72002]^ahehe...owie?! can u give me one! please please please please! since i gave u ur 1st fan sign, i want you pose using Eye Glass Nerdy look! please with PINKISH blush on! :D it would be great! =D[/quote] as u wish sire~ ahahahah. i have all requiered stuffs for dat pose~ :D but lemme buy batteries for ma camera first.lol. so dat i may take pic >_< [b]@HILYN[/b] : sure XD. ahehe. but please wid yer face. ugly or not i dun care.ahahaha.lol. [b]TOPIC[/b] Tomorrow for Karuro and Hilyn! [i]ps. for those whom i mentioned last time, i'm gonna post it whenever my friend upload it in her friendster. i've already taken the pics of it but its in ma friend's celfone. i'l tell her to post it as soon asap. :D[/i] [b]i promise~! v[/b]

Last edited by 사랑해요UmA_loVe사&# (2008-04-03 13:19:53)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

^okies ill wait! :lol: promise dat okay! :D
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

awww.. thanks to those who made me fansigns. I will make fansigns for you guys, thats today. :D I already showed these to my mami duch but I will show you guys these. lol. Im so ugly :redface: [spoiler][img]http://images.eehjhay.com/fansigns/eehjhay0091a.jpg[/img] [img]http://images.eehjhay.com/fansigns/eehjhay0097a.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

@yuna... thanks for the cute fan-sign... lurve it @laine.. wooot** very sweet f-sign =) thanks @baby jemmie another one from my baby cuteness** :redface:

Last edited by blurrycloud (2008-04-03 22:35:54)

» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

[quote=angelalaine][b]krisitna16[/b] take your pick :lol: [spoiler][url]http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/2844/051344uf8.jpg[/url] [url]http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/6005/051338ew6.jpg[/url] [url]http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/3069/051327wn0.jpg[/url] [/spoiler][/quote] waah i love it all of em..siz geez thanx... siz alaine... just wait for your fansign .. ill upload it later! ;) :wow: [quote=deathwish4MCR-freak-dude]4 [b]ate kriz[/b]. oppz. sorry ate. i forgot to upload it. >____< but now here's special for u. :rose: [spoiler] [url]http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj302/yuna4farplane/4atekriz.jpg[/url] [/spoiler][/quote] weee thnx siz yuna... i really labs it!! thnx!! ill upload my fan sign to you later.. :kiss: thnx again! [quote=kikay_girl][b]SIS TINAY[/b] ily. :] [spoiler][url]http://i29.tinypic.com/2vu0kkm.jpg[/url][/spoiler][/quote] [quote=HiLyNkAwAii][quote=kristina16]nice one siz...nice hand writting.. =) really cute!! ;)[/quote] ^oh thanks sis :D ,. irs for you :D lolx,. [spoiler][url]http://img444.imageshack.us/img444/8648/23879965qh9.jpg[/url] never mind my messy nail color[/spoiler][/quote] waah are you kiddin siz.. i lab it!! weee thnx thnx!! ill be makin you a fansign just wait for em.. ;) thnx again siz alaine, yuna and jemmie :kiss: just wait for my fan sign.. ill upload it later ;) =)

Last edited by kristina16 (2008-04-03 18:10:58)

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

who's kind-hearted ftalker that will make me some fan syn? hmmnp..*waiting* i'll hit u back soon when i arrive from the trip.;) btw, enx ate stitch for the fansign...:rose::kiss: i yab u so much..::wow:

Last edited by --khathateslove-- (2008-04-03 18:36:24)

» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

me siz khat..ill be makin you fansign.. ill post em later ;) =)
  • » [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

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