• » EDIT: I recommend Blurrycloud , Duchesz , Bobcbar , Shakiro214 cUtiEshika to be part of the team. Some of mods here are busy with their personal life and I think , imo. they're very active/helped a l

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EDIT: I recommend Blurrycloud , Duchesz , Bobcbar , Shakiro214 cUtiEshika to be part of the team. Some of mods here are busy with their personal life and I think , imo. they're very active/helped a l

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: EDIT: I recommend Blurrycloud , Duchesz , Bobcbar , Shakiro214 cUtiEshika to be part of the team. Some of mods here are busy with their personal life and I think , imo. they're very active/helped a l

[quote=Ephemeral]Guys for the info those mods you call on AWOL isn't on AWOL at all they are on "AWOL" what's the dif? they are not Absent With/Out Leave but they are Absent With Official Leave. Before they disappeared as you guys said they left a message on the Back Stage (Mods Personal Category) saying they will be gone for a while. When ezil asked this question we active mods apologize due to we didn't inform you guys that those mods where going for a while or will be busy, so we or I apologize... Anyway I agree that new mods are needed. =) For those spammer and flammers who think I am nice [b][color=red]"Do try me"[/color][/b] =)[/quote] Hmmm.. thanks for agreeing and that reasonable post :) @mizel that's your opinion, this is just my two cents. There are so many thread anyway :| -- I believe the more active mods, the merrier xD -- @Admin hellouer? where are u? Call me 1-800-563-4617. K thnx bye =D

Last edited by ezil2007 (2008-01-03 22:20:05)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: EDIT: I recommend Blurrycloud , Duchesz , Bobcbar , Shakiro214 cUtiEshika to be part of the team. Some of mods here are busy with their personal life and I think , imo. they're very active/helped a l

:arrow: ^ admin is just here somewhere. observing posts, sections... :D he's back. and there's actually a thread about demoting a mod or some sort. changes will occur after 60 days i think.
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: EDIT: I recommend Blurrycloud , Duchesz , Bobcbar , Shakiro214 cUtiEshika to be part of the team. Some of mods here are busy with their personal life and I think , imo. they're very active/helped a l

I hope mr. Admin will choose the best person who have the potential of being a moderator if this suggestion will implement! Personally I had a bad feeling to this one!
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: EDIT: I recommend Blurrycloud , Duchesz , Bobcbar , Shakiro214 cUtiEshika to be part of the team. Some of mods here are busy with their personal life and I think , imo. they're very active/helped a l

If ftalk will have some additional mods (or replacement ones), i personally want them to be either kuya shirow or kuya shakiro.. or maybe both, Xd. that's all i guess.

Last edited by aRies04991 (2008-01-04 10:15:39)

Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: EDIT: I recommend Blurrycloud , Duchesz , Bobcbar , Shakiro214 cUtiEshika to be part of the team. Some of mods here are busy with their personal life and I think , imo. they're very active/helped a l

im so glad that admin had cameback. he's doin his job now. and he's waiting answers from all moderators. well. new mods? maybe that could be good. replacement? is this mean a new mod replace the old mod?
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: EDIT: I recommend Blurrycloud , Duchesz , Bobcbar , Shakiro214 cUtiEshika to be part of the team. Some of mods here are busy with their personal life and I think , imo. they're very active/helped a l

[quote]If ftalk will have some additional mods (or replacement ones), i personally want them to be either kuya shirow or kuya shakiro.. or maybe both, Xd. that's all i guess.[/quote] I agree woot shirow! We needs a mod just like him =D
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: EDIT: I recommend Blurrycloud , Duchesz , Bobcbar , Shakiro214 cUtiEshika to be part of the team. Some of mods here are busy with their personal life and I think , imo. they're very active/helped a l

[quote=Ephemeral]For those spammer and flammers who think I am nice [b][color=red]"Do try me"[/color][/b] =)[/quote] Yes, to all shit Members, Please try Kuya Jovito.. :D :thumbsup: He is one of the Mods Topnotchers for the Most Banned Members.. :thumbsup: :wow: :thumbsup: [b]@Topic:[/b] Well, as you can see.. ADMIN is back on track and FTalk will be alive once again.. Mods are also doing their job as of now.. [b]@Members:[/b] Best Option if you're not a Moderator and you want to help us, Just use report button.. And please act nicely on every member.. If you just love flaming and taking advantages on those Newbies.. Admin and Mods won't like you :evil: :thumbsdown:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: EDIT: I recommend Blurrycloud , Duchesz , Bobcbar , Shakiro214 cUtiEshika to be part of the team. Some of mods here are busy with their personal life and I think , imo. they're very active/helped a l

Hmmm... I have a dual personality a good ezil and a bad one =D I guess Admin will decide what to do here, so its the right time to Shut down this thread :) It gives me a headache. Now then back to normal. Cyber Bully time ! =D
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: EDIT: I recommend Blurrycloud , Duchesz , Bobcbar , Shakiro214 cUtiEshika to be part of the team. Some of mods here are busy with their personal life and I think , imo. they're very active/helped a l

so if admin is back and all the mods are coming back or already back. then i dont think we wont be needing a lot of additional mods :) probably 2 or 3 is enuf :thumbsup:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: EDIT: I recommend Blurrycloud , Duchesz , Bobcbar , Shakiro214 cUtiEshika to be part of the team. Some of mods here are busy with their personal life and I think , imo. they're very active/helped a l

ok fine. i think new mods is a good idea. replacements? wat do u exactly mean by replacements? hmm. i'll just wait for meng. i don't want to fully comment on this matter, YET.
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: EDIT: I recommend Blurrycloud , Duchesz , Bobcbar , Shakiro214 cUtiEshika to be part of the team. Some of mods here are busy with their personal life and I think , imo. they're very active/helped a l

MY Opinion: lets not say, "replacements", lets say it wuld be "Additional" moderators..though there are already plenty of mods here, but not all of the mods can be always here 24/7 (moderators please correct me if im wrong..!), add moderators are those members who have serious potential of being a mod and can be here at any given time..i know thats stupid and really impossible cause if theres a moderator like that, that wuld be a ghost mod..im just sayin that ive seen members here that has potential of being a moderator, thats why additional mods are kinda good..i know that anyone who is qualified can pm admin and apply being one, but i also understand that i think there are only slots for them, i mean..an old mod wuld have to quit so admin can hire a new one.. okay, i think im getting a lil bit senseless, uhmm..im just gonna put it this way..lets not replace the moderators if they dont need to be replaced..im just sayin that give some additional slots for other "potentially" members to become one..so, a member who wants to apply for that particular position doesnt have to wait for an old mod to retire for that member to take his/her place..additional slots for moderator for those who wants/qualified to be one.. *im not sure that thats really the system tat works here, mods correct me if im wrong..ive understand that an old moderator shuld need to retire for admin to go seek and hire a new one.. weird? senseless?..just dont mind what i said!..:D

Last edited by --pUshnIt08-- (2008-01-06 06:53:30)

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: EDIT: I recommend Blurrycloud , Duchesz , Bobcbar , Shakiro214 cUtiEshika to be part of the team. Some of mods here are busy with their personal life and I think , imo. they're very active/helped a l

^ Please don't say that your opinion is senseless, you had a big point on it =) and it's up to all leaders here to decide what will be the best thing will happen in this forum, I feel that I'm only an ordinary subordinate doen't have anything... I'm just here just for fun, not to be the best...
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: EDIT: I recommend Blurrycloud , Duchesz , Bobcbar , Shakiro214 cUtiEshika to be part of the team. Some of mods here are busy with their personal life and I think , imo. they're very active/helped a l

^ yup, i had a big point..but i think theyve realized it already before i did! :| and dont say that ur just an ordinary subordinate wo doesnt ave anything, every member here plays an important role whatever rank u have, whhatever purpose u have, whether ur just here for fun, to make a hundred post, to meet friends..every member here makes ftalk a better place (except for the spammers, hackers etc etc..), w/o each one of us, ftalk wont be ftalk.. i hope u get my weird point...yup, i know its up to the leaders..but whatever decision they will make affects every single member here..
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: EDIT: I recommend Blurrycloud , Duchesz , Bobcbar , Shakiro214 cUtiEshika to be part of the team. Some of mods here are busy with their personal life and I think , imo. they're very active/helped a l

Actually , all of you guys have a point, but not mine imo :| also the bottomline is Admin is always in-charge and the real decision for this matter so I'm pretty sure this is useless topic cause He ignore to reply on this. @Admin *hands down*
» FTalkManiac

Re: EDIT: I recommend Blurrycloud , Duchesz , Bobcbar , Shakiro214 cUtiEshika to be part of the team. Some of mods here are busy with their personal life and I think , imo. they're very active/helped a l

I'm sorry ezil I don't mean to ignore this topic. Currently we have many moderators assigned to different forum categories/sections. Some moderators want to quit, some other still undecided, some want to handle different forum sections, basically we need some time to discuss about this and sort all the issues with current moderators before adding new ones. :)
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: EDIT: I recommend Blurrycloud , Duchesz , Bobcbar , Shakiro214 cUtiEshika to be part of the team. Some of mods here are busy with their personal life and I think , imo. they're very active/helped a l

Ok, take your time to discuss about this and also Current Mods here are active now so I have no worries on this site again.. :) Also Im just created this thread cause when your gone for about a couple of months and only Ephemeral and Xavierkym working well as a Mod. I felt disappointment with a bit anger xD. Some mods here are doing their job and you're active and for that I'm very happy xD Hmmm... so I think it thread must be close now hehe.. thanks :thumbsup:

Last edited by ezil2007 (2008-01-07 11:34:52)

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: EDIT: I recommend Blurrycloud , Duchesz , Bobcbar , Shakiro214 cUtiEshika to be part of the team. Some of mods here are busy with their personal life and I think , imo. they're very active/helped a l

[b]@TOPIC[/b] As admin said we are still discussing about this at the backstage. :ninja: And we already know who wants to quit and who wants to remain working. :D Actually, I sent admin a PM regarding some members whom I personally recommend to help us Moderators =) Good luck =D
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: EDIT: I recommend Blurrycloud , Duchesz , Bobcbar , Shakiro214 cUtiEshika to be part of the team. Some of mods here are busy with their personal life and I think , imo. they're very active/helped a l

Hihihi.. so what Im trying to say/fighting for is being pushed upwards.. woah thanks xavy! :)
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: EDIT: I recommend Blurrycloud , Duchesz , Bobcbar , Shakiro214 cUtiEshika to be part of the team. Some of mods here are busy with their personal life and I think , imo. they're very active/helped a l

i wanted to be a moderator though :lol:
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: EDIT: I recommend Blurrycloud , Duchesz , Bobcbar , Shakiro214 cUtiEshika to be part of the team. Some of mods here are busy with their personal life and I think , imo. they're very active/helped a l

^ resize ur siggy first..its too big!..and use only one siggy pwease!.. @topic i guess we just have to wait and see..its up to admin and to the moderators!..
  • » EDIT: I recommend Blurrycloud , Duchesz , Bobcbar , Shakiro214 cUtiEshika to be part of the team. Some of mods here are busy with their personal life and I think , imo. they're very active/helped a l

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