[quote=bobcbar;#3753068;1302174171]Care to share some of your ideas ?[/quote]
Ok here's what I have in mind at this moment:

Small forums like ours, they typically have a specific subject which appeal certain audience. Gamer forums, webmaster forum, business forum, filipino forum, etc. We used to be a "friendster forum" and people joined us because they're into friendster-related stuff, but with the change from friendstertalk.com to theftalk.com, we kinda lost our "identity". My idea of rebranding is to create a strong, specific brand identity for ftalk. Maybe by redesigning the site. When people think of "FTalk" they'll wonder what it's all about, what does "f" in TheFTalk represent? Well that's something I'll need to work on.
FTalk will be more alive only if it has the things that make members stick around, but those "things" have to be continuous and sustainable. We need some more unique features, I'm thinking of something like like "member of the week/months", "hot threads" system, etc.
Outside FTalk, I'm also a regular member in a few other forums, and i realized that it's not just the forum design, features, etc. that's keeping me there. There's this one Indonesian forum I registered back in 2004, and up until this day I still visit it sometimes. The forum is quite bland with a standard forum template and minimal forum add-ons/mods/hacks (feature-wise, FTalk is much better), but what makes it fascinating is the community itself... let's say that the forum has a high level of "community spirit" and it's own "forum's culture", including it's own inside jokes and slangs. Members come and go, but like a civilization, the forum continues to existent. I believe we're going into that direction too.. all we need to do is to know our target audience and create the right "atmosphere" for them.

If you have any other ideas for FTalk feel free to let me know.