
I got my shirt!!!!!!!!!! lol.[/quote]
nice avatar lin

[quote=sugarstyx_x;#3640392;1277510838]I love the shirt & the extra pins .. Thanks for making me a pin of my previous entry too

glad u like 'em

[quote=Jirichi Ryunashira;#3640582;1277530813]NOW WHERE'S THE PICS?? DONT TELL ME U GUYS DIDNT TAKE ANY SINGLE PIC D:::::::::::[/quote]
we're just so damn cool we don't need photo as social proof

[quote=aysbeaux;#3640453;1277515940]i just saw it last night!

i didnt receive anything in my phone. badass twitter.[/quote]
i guess we need to arrange another eb, and you guys should all come. i don't know when would be the best time though 'cos most of you are in school/college right?

[quote=forsakendoll;#3640596;1277531892]the stick figure

who're u talking about?

[quote=forsakendoll;#3640596;1277531892]you gonna show me around?

she's gonna sell u for 1000 idr