[quote=Ephemeral;#3637360;1277053119]researching media censorship and other garbage, or as they say here. spazatura? i dunno if it's double z. wew

i don't have any idea on what you just said

but yea, ganbatte!

so did you recognize me somewhere? zeela was right, i've actually already been here for a week or so.

yeah i saw you begging for alms somewhere.

the cockroach living in your hair was true!!!!! @@

what are you doing here and where are you in the Philippines?
[quote=admin;#3637365;1277053487]i've seen it. why? u think those whose kidnapped vitz would do those kind of tortures to him? with drill, blowtorch, and stuff?

No, I was thinking since you're here in the Philippines i might as well sell you to our syndicates. I wonder how much an Indonesian guy cost these days?
Guy with asphalt ass might fetch big in the black market.