[quote=duchess;#3774623;1304184798]Try Dumaluan Beach Resort, Panglao[/quote]
Sugoii sugoii~! I love your taste! Ah I wanna go there now hahaha.
[quote=duchess;#3774623;1304184798]they have rooms for 1500 good for 2 pax[/quote]
What's pax? people?

[quote=duchess;#3774623;1304184798]the beach is amazing in that resort.

Wanna go there with me? You can bring Ed. The more the merrier.

Go ask push too. If we get more people to come, it's gonna be cheaper right?
I'm still not certain if I'm going there but I really wanna go somewhere this summer. And I really like to visit Bohol and Cebu.
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