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  2007-07-24 09:41:40

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

As of 7/24/07, admin has added a new feature for the Moderators. Admin now granted us Mods the power to [b]Ban[/b] Ftalk members. Taken from the posts from the Backstage Section: [quote=admin]Mod CP

As of 7/24/07, admin has added a new feature for the Moderators. Admin now granted us Mods the power to [b]Ban[/b] Ftalk members. Taken from the posts from the Backstage Section: [quote=admin]Mod CP > Bans Now you're able to ban a member. Please be responsible and use this feature carefully. -------- -> We can also ban a member from using the chatbox only. Add [i]chatbox ban[/i] to the member's admin note.[/quote] [quote=eehjhay]Yes! That's i was going to suggest :D We must make this topic sticky, so this will be the copy of the list of ban members. Username: Reason: Duration: (This can be longer than the usual cursing and can be forever ban) Members that can be ban: > Suspected spammer (accounts that has a purpose of spamming only such as bots and multiple account) > Intentionally breaking forum rules such as posting vulgar or obsence materials > Repeated break forum rules even if he/she already noticed several times by us > Disrespecting intentionally the moderators and other members > Promoting, teaching, and revealing some hacks and related to it. > Scuming (fooling other people to gain reputation, money, etc) If must delete or remove the member's post because it is too harmful to other members, and u want to have a proof of your ban report, u can screenshot it if you like and include it in your ban report. Before banning a member, consult other moderators to be sure that you are banning a member with a valid reason. Failure to ban a member with a valid reason may decrease the reputation of the whole forum so please be careful. =)[/quote] Any questions, suggestions, violent reactions, clarifications? Pls post them here. Thank you.

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