• » As of 7/24/07, admin has added a new feature for the Moderators. Admin now granted us Mods the power to [b]Ban[/b] Ftalk members. Taken from the posts from the Backstage Section: [quote=admin]Mod CP

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As of 7/24/07, admin has added a new feature for the Moderators. Admin now granted us Mods the power to [b]Ban[/b] Ftalk members. Taken from the posts from the Backstage Section: [quote=admin]Mod CP

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

As of 7/24/07, admin has added a new feature for the Moderators. Admin now granted us Mods the power to [b]Ban[/b] Ftalk members. Taken from the posts from the Backstage Section: [quote=admin]Mod CP

As of 7/24/07, admin has added a new feature for the Moderators. Admin now granted us Mods the power to [b]Ban[/b] Ftalk members. Taken from the posts from the Backstage Section: [quote=admin]Mod CP > Bans Now you're able to ban a member. Please be responsible and use this feature carefully. -------- -> We can also ban a member from using the chatbox only. Add [i]chatbox ban[/i] to the member's admin note.[/quote] [quote=eehjhay]Yes! That's i was going to suggest :D We must make this topic sticky, so this will be the copy of the list of ban members. Username: Reason: Duration: (This can be longer than the usual cursing and can be forever ban) Members that can be ban: > Suspected spammer (accounts that has a purpose of spamming only such as bots and multiple account) > Intentionally breaking forum rules such as posting vulgar or obsence materials > Repeated break forum rules even if he/she already noticed several times by us > Disrespecting intentionally the moderators and other members > Promoting, teaching, and revealing some hacks and related to it. > Scuming (fooling other people to gain reputation, money, etc) If must delete or remove the member's post because it is too harmful to other members, and u want to have a proof of your ban report, u can screenshot it if you like and include it in your ban report. Before banning a member, consult other moderators to be sure that you are banning a member with a valid reason. Failure to ban a member with a valid reason may decrease the reputation of the whole forum so please be careful. =)[/quote] Any questions, suggestions, violent reactions, clarifications? Pls post them here. Thank you.
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As of 7/24/07, admin has added a new feature for the Moderators. Admin now granted us Mods the power to [b]Ban[/b] Ftalk members. Taken from the posts from the Backstage Section: [quote=admin]Mod CP

:arrow: be careful wrong-doers. we mods, really take this as the last option. =) if you still don't follow rules, we have no choice but to do this. ;)
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As of 7/24/07, admin has added a new feature for the Moderators. Admin now granted us Mods the power to [b]Ban[/b] Ftalk members. Taken from the posts from the Backstage Section: [quote=admin]Mod CP

i think thats the good idea, it helps a lot by admin, mods now can also help admin to banned everyone, its a good idea but i think you must give them a warning first before you banned them.
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As of 7/24/07, admin has added a new feature for the Moderators. Admin now granted us Mods the power to [b]Ban[/b] Ftalk members. Taken from the posts from the Backstage Section: [quote=admin]Mod CP

hmmmm.. such a wonderful addition! :D
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero
FTalkers ♥♥ My Threads!

Re: As of 7/24/07, admin has added a new feature for the Moderators. Admin now granted us Mods the power to [b]Ban[/b] Ftalk members. Taken from the posts from the Backstage Section: [quote=admin]Mod CP

Wow. Great! More responsibilities! :thumbsup: i want to be a mod again. hehehe. but not now. :D
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As of 7/24/07, admin has added a new feature for the Moderators. Admin now granted us Mods the power to [b]Ban[/b] Ftalk members. Taken from the posts from the Backstage Section: [quote=admin]Mod CP

Lol. it's not appropriate to join and/or resign whenever u want. understand what will ur co-mods and admin will think. you must make up ur mind
TA Juleigtin Siahaan
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As of 7/24/07, admin has added a new feature for the Moderators. Admin now granted us Mods the power to [b]Ban[/b] Ftalk members. Taken from the posts from the Backstage Section: [quote=admin]Mod CP

wew.. :D :D Nice topic bro charles.. =) =) Keep it up.. :P :P
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero
FTalkers ♥♥ My Threads!

Re: As of 7/24/07, admin has added a new feature for the Moderators. Admin now granted us Mods the power to [b]Ban[/b] Ftalk members. Taken from the posts from the Backstage Section: [quote=admin]Mod CP

[quote=eehjhay]Lol. it's not appropriate to join and/or resign whenever u want. understand what will ur co-mods and admin will think. you must make up ur mind[/quote] to admin and my co-mods, pls forgive me for resigning. :cry: - - - - - - i'll apply again by 2009. :O after college. hoping that ftalk is still alive, awake, alert, enthusiastic! :D
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As of 7/24/07, admin has added a new feature for the Moderators. Admin now granted us Mods the power to [b]Ban[/b] Ftalk members. Taken from the posts from the Backstage Section: [quote=admin]Mod CP

^ Nah.. that's okay Weng. =) We understand, your college course especially takes a lot of your time. But I for one miss seeing you at the Backstage w/ us. ;)
TA Juleigtin Siahaan
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As of 7/24/07, admin has added a new feature for the Moderators. Admin now granted us Mods the power to [b]Ban[/b] Ftalk members. Taken from the posts from the Backstage Section: [quote=admin]Mod CP

[quote=`mizeL]to admin and my co-mods, pls forgive me for resigning. :cry: - - - - - - i'll apply again by 2009. :O after college. hoping that ftalk is still alive, awake, alert, enthusiastic! :D[/quote] wew.. :D :D Never mind it [b]`mizeL[/b] :cool: :P Good Luck for your college =)
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero
FTalkers ♥♥ My Threads!

Re: As of 7/24/07, admin has added a new feature for the Moderators. Admin now granted us Mods the power to [b]Ban[/b] Ftalk members. Taken from the posts from the Backstage Section: [quote=admin]Mod CP

whew.. [b]TA Juleigtin Siahaan & ate Padme:[/b] thanks. :D
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As of 7/24/07, admin has added a new feature for the Moderators. Admin now granted us Mods the power to [b]Ban[/b] Ftalk members. Taken from the posts from the Backstage Section: [quote=admin]Mod CP

GREAT FEATURE! :thumbsup: Imagine if there is some kind of bug that gives all newbies the power to use that ban option :lol:
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As of 7/24/07, admin has added a new feature for the Moderators. Admin now granted us Mods the power to [b]Ban[/b] Ftalk members. Taken from the posts from the Backstage Section: [quote=admin]Mod CP

lol. u wish. :lol:
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As of 7/24/07, admin has added a new feature for the Moderators. Admin now granted us Mods the power to [b]Ban[/b] Ftalk members. Taken from the posts from the Backstage Section: [quote=admin]Mod CP

What maybe my status when mod ban me?! Does it have any changes to my avatar and my signature?! About ban forever, I think it is better to terminate him/her rather than his/her status is ban for eternity?! Hope someday Ftalk put [b]Terminate[/b] feature :eh: Edit: What should I do if someone(mod) ban me without any valid reason/s?! Like she/he ban without consulting other mods?! Are their ways to figured out who did that bias move?! Like what happen to cip I think, mod change his caption and location and no one claim who did that?!

Last edited by ReversEdge (2007-07-25 03:43:57)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As of 7/24/07, admin has added a new feature for the Moderators. Admin now granted us Mods the power to [b]Ban[/b] Ftalk members. Taken from the posts from the Backstage Section: [quote=admin]Mod CP

[quote=eehjhay]Lol. it's not appropriate to join and/or resign whenever u want. understand what will ur co-mods and admin will think. you must make up ur mind[/quote] Awtz.. i'm shot by that "you-cannot-miss-this" bullet :wallbash: [quote=diabolicious]GREAT FEATURE! :thumbsup: Imagine if there is some kind of bug that gives all newbies the power to use that ban option :)[/quote] it's bad though [quote=ReversEdge]What should I do if someone(mod) ban me without any valid reason/s?! Like she/he ban without consulting other mods?! Are their ways to figured out who did that bias move?! Like what happen to cip I think, mod change his caption and location and no one claim who did that?![/quote] Hope no mod can do such a thing.. but if it happens his position as mod should be removed. anywayz we can unban him/her if we found that he's innocent..
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As of 7/24/07, admin has added a new feature for the Moderators. Admin now granted us Mods the power to [b]Ban[/b] Ftalk members. Taken from the posts from the Backstage Section: [quote=admin]Mod CP

lol. if that's the case, the mod ban someone without any valid reasons and proven guilty, he/she will be demoted from being a moderator and/or can be ban to from this site coz it may be intentional that he/she ban other people with a personal reason. omg? just one sentence? i typed too long sentence! hahaha. and those who will take advantage on this, for example, a member will make a false accusation to moderators may cause severe consequence, it may be ip ban ip ban will ban all users with the same ip address of that member. meaning, it will affect other people who used that ip address. (can be multiple accounts)
» FTalkManiac

Re: As of 7/24/07, admin has added a new feature for the Moderators. Admin now granted us Mods the power to [b]Ban[/b] Ftalk members. Taken from the posts from the Backstage Section: [quote=admin]Mod CP

[quote=ReversEdge]What should I do if someone(mod) ban me without any valid reason/s?! Like she/he ban without consulting other mods?! Are their ways to figured out who did that bias move?! Like what happen to cip I think, mod change his caption and location and no one claim who did that?![/quote] Some already explained above by aRies04991 and eehjhay, and don't worry because administrator can access the ban log, which includes the username of anyone who set and receive the ban and some other info.
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As of 7/24/07, admin has added a new feature for the Moderators. Admin now granted us Mods the power to [b]Ban[/b] Ftalk members. Taken from the posts from the Backstage Section: [quote=admin]Mod CP

[quote=aRies04991]Hope no mod can do such a thing.. but if it happens his position as mod should be removed. anywayz we can unban him/her if we found that he's innocent..[/quote] So the victim cannot do anything?! Just wait untill his/her finally unbanned?! [quote=eehjhay]and those who will take advantage on this, for example, a member will make a false accusation to moderators may cause severe consequence, it may be ip ban[/quote] Like how?! How can a member make a false accusation when she's/he's finally banned?! And that's my question, how can make a comment, like for example I'm currently banned?! How do claim that I am innocent?! And defend also my reputation if any hehehe~ [quote=admin]Some already explained above by aRies04991 and eehjhay, and don't worry because administrator can access the ban log, which includes the username of anyone who set and receive the ban and some other info.[/quote] Thank you to this one sir, we appreciate it =)
» FTalkManiac

Re: As of 7/24/07, admin has added a new feature for the Moderators. Admin now granted us Mods the power to [b]Ban[/b] Ftalk members. Taken from the posts from the Backstage Section: [quote=admin]Mod CP

ReversEdge, in case an innocent member get banned, he/she can always contact me (friendstertalk (at) gmail.com) or other mods via email to explain the situation. Well, normally if there is a serious issue with a member we always discuss and consult it with fellow moderators before taking a decision about what to do with that particular member. And if there's a new ban entry that I don't know in the ban logs, I'll definitely check it out to make sure there's no innocent member who get banned. :)
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As of 7/24/07, admin has added a new feature for the Moderators. Admin now granted us Mods the power to [b]Ban[/b] Ftalk members. Taken from the posts from the Backstage Section: [quote=admin]Mod CP

Ahhh ok got it sir and anyway do you have this feature in other thing except in banning a member?!
  • » As of 7/24/07, admin has added a new feature for the Moderators. Admin now granted us Mods the power to [b]Ban[/b] Ftalk members. Taken from the posts from the Backstage Section: [quote=admin]Mod CP

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