[quote=eehjhay]Lol. it's not appropriate to join and/or resign whenever u want. understand what will ur co-mods and admin will think. you must make up ur mind[/quote]
Awtz.. i'm shot by that "you-cannot-miss-this" bullet

[quote=diabolicious]GREAT FEATURE!

Imagine if there is some kind of bug that gives all newbies the power to use that ban option

it's bad though
[quote=ReversEdge]What should I do if someone(mod) ban me without any valid reason/s?! Like she/he ban without consulting other mods?! Are their ways to figured out who did that bias move?! Like what happen to cip I think, mod change his caption and location and no one claim who did that?![/quote]
Hope no mod can do such a thing.. but if it happens his position as mod should be removed. anywayz we can unban him/her if we found that he's innocent..