2008-10-30 06:58:15

» FTalkWorm
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][align=center][b]-- R E A D --[/b][/align] :idea: If you don't mention the name or give a clue, the title looses its purpose. It's supposedly for your "FTalk" crushes" [b]not some message-in-a-

[b]To my Ftalk Crushie Crush Crush.. lol.. You already know that I have a crush on you.. :lol: well.. i just like you.. =) and i am hoping that like won't grow to love.. because we both know that..you don't like me.. =| and we both know who your crush is.. anyway.. enough with that..because i might bust out in tears here.. :lol: if ever this feelings of mine will grow deeper in deeper.. yeah,,into love.. I just want you to know that..i will wait for you.. i love you..wuahahaha..[/b]

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