Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god.
I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je
[b][u]iConfessThat[/u][/b] ;;
[quote][align=center]» I've been very sleepy this past few days. Even though I sleep and sleep and sleep, I'm still sleepy. Like my eyes always want to rest. Well, I guess I'll sleep as long as I can 'cause school days is getting near and I'm sure that I'll never have enough sleep when school strikes again.
» I like [u]Serah Farron[/u]. She has this cute costume and I love it. I want to have one of those clothes. LOL.
» [u]Culinary Arts[/u] will definitely be my college course. I don't know what to take if ever they (my parents) don't allow me to take this course. I think it's a perfect and it's not boring. I think. Haha.
» I think I've been downloading this picture for 3 weeks. Haha. I really wanted to have it but it always failed to load. Argh. Hope it I'll finally get it now.
» I'm kinda pissed with my classmate. She's stealing [u]SCANDAL[/u] from me. Argh. I'm the one who influence the person who influence her. Argh. They're MINE!! x( She's stealing Haruna. Waaaah!!
» It would be lovely if there'll be also an episode in KHR! that shows the II Generation. XD I would love to see Secondo and others. He resembles Xanxus so maybe his guardians resembles the guardians of Xanxus also. XDD
» Oh Sht! Home made frozen banana! XDD Gotta eat one. Yay!~[/align][/quote]