hi sir shirow.. the link for .php doesnt give me the content but other contents.. somewhat like a HTML. the output of the codes.
[quote]8) { $name=substr($name,0,17)."…"; } $url=$_GET["url"]; $gender=$_GET["gender"]; $age=$_GET["age"]; $status=$_GET["status"]; $country=$_GET["country"]; if(strlen($country)>19) { $country=substr($country,0,20)."…"; } $since=$_GET["since"]; $exit=$_GET["exit"]; $mydata =getData(); $osh=$_GET["osh"]; $oss=$_GET["oss"]; if(!$exit){ if(!empty($id) && $owner==$phpowner && !empty($gender) && !empty($age) && !empty($status) && !empty($country) && !empty($since)) { $myitem=checkExist($mydata,$id,$exit); if($myitem['item']) appendData($myitem['array'],$id,$name,$url,time(),$age,$gender,$status,$country,$since,0,$myitem['item']['duration'],$myitem['item']['visits'],$limit); else appendData($myitem,$id,$name,$url,time(),$age,$gender,$status,$country,$since,0,0,0,$limit); } } else { if (!empty($id) && $owner==$phpowner && !empty($gender) && !empty($age) && !empty($status) && !empty($country) && !empty($since)) { $myitem=checkExist($mydata,$id,$exit); if($myitem['item']) { $s=time()- $myitem['item']['timestamp']; if ($s<0) $s=0; appendData($myitem['array'],$id,$name,$url,time(),$age,$gender,$status,$country,$since,1, $myitem['item']['duration']+$s,(int)($myitem['item']['visits'])+1,$limit); } } } function checkExist($da,$valme,$e) { if(empty($da)){ return $da; } for($y=0;$y2) { if(!$da[$y]['exit']) { $da[$y]['exit']=1; } if($da[$y]['duration']<1) { unset($da[$y]); } } if($da[$y]['id']==$valme) { $t=$da[$y]; unset($da[$y]); $da = array_values($da); return array( "array" => $da, "item" => $t ); } } return $da; } function appendData($da,$a_id,$a_name,$a_url,$a_timestamp,$a_age,$a_gender,$a_status,$a_country,$a_since,$a_exit,$a_duration,$a_visits,$a_limit) { if(!is_array($da)){ $da=array( array( "id" => $a_id, "name" => $a_name, "url" => $a_url, "timestamp" => $a_timestamp, "age" => $a_age, "gender" => $a_gender, "status" => $a_status, "country" => $a_country, "since" => $a_since, "exit" => $a_exit, "duration" => $a_duration, "visits" => $a_visits ) ); } else { array_unshift($da, array( "id" => $a_id, "name" => $a_name, "url" => $a_url, "timestamp" => $a_timestamp, "age" => $a_age, "gender" => $a_gender, "status" => $a_status, "country" => $a_country, "since" => $a_since, "exit" => $a_exit, "duration" => $a_duration, "visits" => $a_visits ) ); if(count($da)>$a_limit) array_pop($da); } saveData($da); return; } function saveData($d) { if (file_exists("mv.txt")) unlink("mv.txt"); $file = fopen("mv.txt", "w") or exit("Unable to open file!"); fclose($file); $temp=""; for($x=0;$x3) { if ($a==""){ $a=array( array( "id" => $c[0], "name" => $c[1], "url" => $c[2], "timestamp" => $c[3], "age" => $c[4], "gender" => $c[5], "status" => $c[6], "country" => $c[7], "since" => $c[8], "exit" => $c[9], "duration" => $c[10], "visits" => $c[11] ) ); } else { array_push($a, array( "id" => $c[0], "name" => $c[1], "url" => $c[2], "timestamp" => $c[3], "age" => $c[4], "gender" => $c[5], "status" => $c[6], "country" => $c[7], "since" => $c[8], "exit" => $c[9], "duration" => $c[10], "visits" => $c[11] ) ); } } } return $a; } ?>
\n"; echo "\t\t
\n"; } else { echo "\t
\n"; echo "\t\t
\n"; } $k=date("D d F Y H:i:s ",$items[$x]['timestamp']+$oss+18000)." GMT".$osh; $minute=floor((double)$items[$x]['duration']/60); $second=fmod((double)$items[$x]['duration'],60); if(!$items[$x]['exit']) $online="ONLINE"; else $online="offline"; echo "\t\t
\n"; echo "\n\t\t\t
\n"; echo "\n\t\t\t ".$k."\n"; echo "
{".$items[$x]['visits']."} Visits - ".$minute." min ".$second." sec [".$online."]\n"; echo "\t\t\t\t\t
Send a "; echo Smile ; echo "\n"; echo "\t\t\t\t\t
▪Name: "; echo $items[$x]['name']; echo "\n"; echo "\n\t\t\t
▪Info: ".$items[$x]['gender']."\n"; echo "\n\t\t\t".$items[$x]['age']."\n"; echo "\n\t\t\t".$items[$x]['status']."\n"; echo "\n\t\t\t
▪Member Since: ".$items[$x]['since']."\n"; echo "\n\t\t\t
▪Location: ".$items[$x]['country']."\n"; echo "\n\t\t\t
▪Friendster ID: ".$items[$x]['id']."\n"; echo "\n\t\t\t
\n"; echo "\t\t
\n"; echo "\t\t\t\t\t"; echo ""; echo "\n"; echo "\t\t
\n"; echo "\n\t\t\t
\n"; echo "\n\t\t\t
\n"; } ?>
= 0) { $next = $start-$per_page; ?> "><<■ = 0) { $next = $start-$per_page; ?> 0?("?start=").$next:""));?>">BACK $eitherside)print (" .... "); $pg=1; for($y=0;$y<$num;$y+=$per_page) { $class=($y==$start)?"pageselected":""; if(($y > ($start - $eitherside)) && ($y < ($start + $eitherside))) { ?> 0?("?start=").$y:""));?>"> NEXT ■>>
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WVMe v2.3 Created by: Marfillaster © 2007
Modified By: Shirow Masamune
Hosted by: Ripway[/quote]
Last edited by buttkicker23 (2008-03-11 11:28:13)