weeew...Uma reacted! thanks!

really FTALK & FS was build for[b] SOCIAL PURPOSE[/b]
Not for anti-freaks!

yah i dont really mind enemies here! if i have well
i threat them as an Air! nothing special!

If they're welling to make friends with me
or settle they're Prob with me! then

ill talk with you! we will see!
i will go to that roots of our problem
to clear things UP!

But if you got the [i][b]HIGHEST PRIDE![/b][/i]
Higher than Mount Everest! well, its up to
you! its ur life, its not mine! go ahead
Hate me! [i]WULA KANG MA PALA![/i]
or translate that last sentence
there is no price in having the Highest Pride!
Got it?! i dont care if ur Famous or just
a GeekyDork on one side! just talk with you!
about the prob why you hate me!
all i want is peace friend & respect!
even theres no trust any more!
but RESPECT comes 1st!
Last edited by karuro72002 (2008-05-08 02:53:37)