• » I would say, the scariest and strictest ftalk... member: I dont know yet > I cant see anyone who's strict and scary yet. I don't know why I cant think of any. moderator: Shirow and Ephemeral >Ephem

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I would say, the scariest and strictest ftalk... member: I dont know yet > I cant see anyone who's strict and scary yet. I don't know why I cant think of any. moderator: Shirow and Ephemeral >Ephem

Shirow Masamune
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I would say, the scariest and strictest ftalk... member: I dont know yet > I cant see anyone who's strict and scary yet. I don't know why I cant think of any. moderator: Shirow and Ephemeral >Ephem

^hahaha ill take that as a compliment sis =D @portu ooh really well get some sleep now :lol: don't worry i won't eat any member this morning hahaha i already eat my breakfast =D
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I would say, the scariest and strictest ftalk... member: I dont know yet > I cant see anyone who's strict and scary yet. I don't know why I cant think of any. moderator: Shirow and Ephemeral >Ephem

:o none of the mods are scary..maybe mystical or mysterious :D Strictest is too easy :arrow: EJ raise ur hand :lol: [b]Gee I was forced to update[/b]..Shirow just took first prize as scariest moderator :paranoid: I just read the new/revised rules in tricks and tutorials :smoke:

Last edited by bobcbar (2008-03-28 20:55:31)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I would say, the scariest and strictest ftalk... member: I dont know yet > I cant see anyone who's strict and scary yet. I don't know why I cant think of any. moderator: Shirow and Ephemeral >Ephem

For me?? Non of them :D :arrow: [b]you will not see them scary or strick as long as you obey the forum rules..![/b] :lol:

Last edited by tjayvalrose_02 (2008-03-28 20:51:15)

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I would say, the scariest and strictest ftalk... member: I dont know yet > I cant see anyone who's strict and scary yet. I don't know why I cant think of any. moderator: Shirow and Ephemeral >Ephem

^ Yahh I agree :eh:
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I would say, the scariest and strictest ftalk... member: I dont know yet > I cant see anyone who's strict and scary yet. I don't know why I cant think of any. moderator: Shirow and Ephemeral >Ephem

The Man: EJ =D
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I would say, the scariest and strictest ftalk... member: I dont know yet > I cant see anyone who's strict and scary yet. I don't know why I cant think of any. moderator: Shirow and Ephemeral >Ephem

before, i was really scared of ate meng and manong nix.. :paranoid: and then lolo ej, kuya ephe :paranoid: but now, i'm not scared anymore because i follow rules... [b]maybe??? [/b]:penguin::penguin::penguin:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I would say, the scariest and strictest ftalk... member: I dont know yet > I cant see anyone who's strict and scary yet. I don't know why I cant think of any. moderator: Shirow and Ephemeral >Ephem

4 me.. its meng..:D piz ate meng!! shes very strict when it comes to non sense topic and everythng!!
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I would say, the scariest and strictest ftalk... member: I dont know yet > I cant see anyone who's strict and scary yet. I don't know why I cant think of any. moderator: Shirow and Ephemeral >Ephem

Me? Scary? :lol: Nope... I am not scary... I am not strict... In fact I am a funny guy... I just have the aura of strict and scary because most of the time, I am the one who breaks down rude, sarcastic and hardheaded members. Sometimes I am the one that breaks the ice on flammed topics. Anyway... Strict moderator or member? No one I guess... My Co mods are just doing their job. Members are just doing their part.
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I would say, the scariest and strictest ftalk... member: I dont know yet > I cant see anyone who's strict and scary yet. I don't know why I cant think of any. moderator: Shirow and Ephemeral >Ephem

im not afraid/scared of any member/moderator here but i do have respect for them because they are members/moderators here...
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I would say, the scariest and strictest ftalk... member: I dont know yet > I cant see anyone who's strict and scary yet. I don't know why I cant think of any. moderator: Shirow and Ephemeral >Ephem

[quote=nicey]before, i was really scared of ate meng and [b]manong nix[/b].. :paranoid: and then lolo ej, kuya ephe :paranoid: but now, i'm not scared anymore because i follow rules... maybe???:penguin::penguin::penguin:[/quote] Lol, that's when i were a mod before.. well, everytime i read shirow's posts, they scare me sometimes. yeah, he's so frank and would really say what he wants to say. but he's really a nice guy. [i](thanks for your comment shirow)[/i] :)
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I would say, the scariest and strictest ftalk... member: I dont know yet > I cant see anyone who's strict and scary yet. I don't know why I cant think of any. moderator: Shirow and Ephemeral >Ephem

^as long as we will follow the rules there's no reason to be scared of :D :thumbsup:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I would say, the scariest and strictest ftalk... member: I dont know yet > I cant see anyone who's strict and scary yet. I don't know why I cant think of any. moderator: Shirow and Ephemeral >Ephem

maybe.. [b]kuya eejhay and shirow.haha and ofcourse harvey...[/b]
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I would say, the scariest and strictest ftalk... member: I dont know yet > I cant see anyone who's strict and scary yet. I don't know why I cant think of any. moderator: Shirow and Ephemeral >Ephem

Uhmm.. So far I think it's Kuya Eehjhay, heheh.. And Kuya Ephe & Shirow. I read Shirowkun's post back in the Confessions about spammers. Heheheh... So scary. :penguin: :penguin:
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I would say, the scariest and strictest ftalk... member: I dont know yet > I cant see anyone who's strict and scary yet. I don't know why I cant think of any. moderator: Shirow and Ephemeral >Ephem

Lol. Yeah shirow, you have to obey my orders or else! hahaha kidding. lol. For me, scary? hmm Im not scared to any moderators/members here. Even admin, im not scared of him. Hahaha Right admin? lol. Because he's funny. I once thought we're buddies because he posted something bout me being his teamate against other moderators. haha.. lol. "The fun times lol" Hmmm.. Ephe? He's not scary. Let's play chess ephe! hahaha.. lol. Honestly I wanna argue with ephe even for just one time. I wanna exchange different strong opinions with him. We'll scare other members! haha.. lol. Shirow? You never scare me dude because I know that you respect me and obey what I say. Thats why I have respect on you and always trying to guide you. :D Harvey? He's not scary. He's cool. Maybe they are scare because he might get the attention of the girls' heart. hahaha. Kherminator? Is he scary? Hmm.. Not really. He's cool. I hope he's not afraid of me. hehehe.. Meng? lol. I dunno to that girl. Hahaha.. All I know is, she's really funny. I never thought that she's scary. Xave? hehe.. He's not that scary. Maybe because I see him not very often. -- Wait! I know now to whom I am scared of. It's ducheszv! Whenever she is jealous to someone, Im scared of her. Vice versa, she confess that she is scared of me. I don't know. I just love her so much, I don't want to make her upset and agry with me :)
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I would say, the scariest and strictest ftalk... member: I dont know yet > I cant see anyone who's strict and scary yet. I don't know why I cant think of any. moderator: Shirow and Ephemeral >Ephem

Uhm. haha. then this two mods makes a good love birds. haha. maybe making a thread for ftalk love birds would make a good idea. haha. just kidding. peace eehjhay! lol. well. hearts does beats. haha. [i]faster.[/i]
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I would say, the scariest and strictest ftalk... member: I dont know yet > I cant see anyone who's strict and scary yet. I don't know why I cant think of any. moderator: Shirow and Ephemeral >Ephem

:O sir eejhay and shirow :paranoid: see oh: [spoiler]proceed to the freaking help section post your query there not here!!! :evil: :arrow: LOCKED [/spoiler] hehehe from sir shirow :eh:
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I would say, the scariest and strictest ftalk... member: I dont know yet > I cant see anyone who's strict and scary yet. I don't know why I cant think of any. moderator: Shirow and Ephemeral >Ephem

now that shirow shared to me how he made spammers' lives miserable.. i really think he's the scariest!.. but he's really nice if your on his side--- [i]the good side[/i] like he said. but that doesn't mean i'm excluding eehjhay from my list. =D
Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I would say, the scariest and strictest ftalk... member: I dont know yet > I cant see anyone who's strict and scary yet. I don't know why I cant think of any. moderator: Shirow and Ephemeral >Ephem

Haha. We have 2 Big Candidates in here. [b]Ej[/b] and [b]Shirow[/b]. =d=d For me. The Strictest Mods in here are. [i]Male Mods[/i] [b]Ej [/b] :arrow: He really strict and sometimes scary. But in a confe, he's the nicest. :) [b]Shirowkun[/b] :arrow: I dunno why people think he's scary. Actually we have great time discussed about scandal and blabla. He's funny too. But he's mad at spammers. :lol: As long as u aren't a spammer, Shirowkun won't get mad [b]Ephe[/b] :arrow: I kinda agree if Ephe is the coolest mod in here. :paranoid: [i]Female Mods[/i] [b]Meng, Meng, and Meng[/b] :arrow: I remember when the first time we became mods. Ate Meng is really strict and scary! :O [b]Ate Duch[/b] :arrow: She's a nice sister. But for spammer, She's strict and scary too! =d But I love her. :D
Shim Oo-Ma
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I would say, the scariest and strictest ftalk... member: I dont know yet > I cant see anyone who's strict and scary yet. I don't know why I cant think of any. moderator: Shirow and Ephemeral >Ephem

[b]EJ[/b] oppa is [b]REALLY[/b] [b][u]scary[/u][/b] to me.lol. i [u][b]never[/b][/u] open my [b]YM[/b] cuz' i [b]REALLY[/b] dun wanna see his [b]webcam[/b] lol. the [u]scary[/u] face :paranoid: [align=center][u][b]Talking about Shirow Masamune[/b][/u][/align] Many ppol say that [b]SHIROW[/b] oppa is [u]scary[/u] but i think he's not ^^ i saw the [u]rules that he posted[/u] in some thread. and wel. what [b]he[/b] wrote seems to be [b]strict[/b] but i'm not scared at him.lol. that doesn't mean that i dun wanna follow the rule.ahaha. [u]of course[/u] i'l [b]follow the [url=http://theftalk.com/misc.php?action=rules]rules[/url][/b] >_< after i saw his [b]repu[/b] to me. aww~ i feel so. [i]heaven-ish[/i].lol. he's really a [b]sweet [/b]mod. but sumtyms his [s][b]strict[/b][/s] in sum situations and [u]yet[/u], he doesn't scare me. he is a [b]kind[/b] and [b]loving[/b] mod ^^ i think i [b][u]like[/u][/b] him.lol.

Last edited by 사랑해요UmA_loVe사&# (2008-05-09 13:30:05)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I would say, the scariest and strictest ftalk... member: I dont know yet > I cant see anyone who's strict and scary yet. I don't know why I cant think of any. moderator: Shirow and Ephemeral >Ephem

[quote=사랑해요UmA_loVe사랑해요][b]EJ[/b] oppa is [b]REALLY[/b] [b][u]scary[/u][/b] to me.lol. i [u][b]never[/b][/u] open my [b]YM[/b] cuz' i [b]REALLY[/b] dun wanna see his [b]webcam[/b] lol. the [u]scary[/u] face :paranoid:[/quote] :arrow: Oh yeah that i agree sis =D his face is scary :lol: joke joke joke :P :D [b]Yuna[/b] Oh no :crybaby: my name is in this thread already.. hahaha :lol: just joking sis.. ily more! and your my idol! :wow: \m/ you rawkk for real ;) :thumbsup: [b]Topic[/b] Still ej and meng for me. [b] Ej[/b] is strict. He's scary when he's angry and upset and uhm imma add jealous.. :ninja: [b]Meng[/b] is like the girl version of ej. She only post few words and not always but it hits. :eh: [spoiler] kung baga, tumpak agad! [/spoiler]

Last edited by ducheszv (2008-03-29 10:24:07)

  • » I would say, the scariest and strictest ftalk... member: I dont know yet > I cant see anyone who's strict and scary yet. I don't know why I cant think of any. moderator: Shirow and Ephemeral >Ephem

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