Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god.
I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je
I must confess.
For TPAM. It's true that you can find true friends with your heart, not with your mouth, I clearly understand your point. But, you must also understand that some people will not always be there to give you so much Attention, because It seems like you're always seeking for attention. It's not always the attention that counts, remember that. /: You mustn't dis-consider your True friend, not a true friend just because she/he did not lay attention to you, and just because of that you'll think they hate you, Which is truly wrong. I think you're just misunderstanding everything. I'm not saying this to make you feel weak, and let you leave Ftalk, but because I want you to know my side so that you'll be enlightened and say.. "Ahhhhh, Ganun pala yun." If you consider me a bad person for saying this, well that's fine with me, seriously. I'm just concerned, because you're like being paranoid, thinking of the people that hates you, when they actually do not. Like me, I don't hate you, Tin. In fact, I consider you my younger sister because you like Manga and Japanese stuffs more than I do. (: I love you, K? I'll always be here. D: