• » what are the jobs of the moderator here?

what are the jobs of the moderator here?

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: what are the jobs of the moderator here?

^ I don't belong at the first batch. i came from the second batch.
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: what are the jobs of the moderator here?

Omg. My name is there. Haha. Is that Kuya Tikboy who reacted when he saw his name? :paranoid: I Lold.
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: what are the jobs of the moderator here?

[quote=kristina16]siz duch where are yah?? :paranoid: imy =([/quote] im alwez here siszy :D imy too ... =( [b]Meng[/b] :lol: i saw that sig before .. back when i had 0 post counts and just browsing :lol: [hr][hr] anyway, in my opinion, these are the list of what a mod SHOULD do, :arrow: check in and do some mod stuff at least twice a week. < thats not impossible right? :arrow: post in the open discussion. have fun there. :arrow: suggest to the moderating staff or admin :arrow: NOT bein big headed. mods should always think about their actions first before doing it. especially on cursing/banning a member. :arrow: get mad at the RIGHT TIME. :lol: moderators are humans too. :arrow: interact with the moderating staff. :arrow: they should look at what the did or what they are doin first before judging their co-mods or others. :arrow: have fun and treat everyone equal. lastly, and this applies greatly on the [u][b]recent [/b][/u] ex moderator, :arrow: a moderator SHOULD NOT mix their job with his/her personal problems with someone here in the ftalk especially when the incident happened outside the 4corners of this site ... =) :thumbsup:

Last edited by ducheszv (2008-09-24 12:01:14)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: what are the jobs of the moderator here?

[b]What Does A Moderator Do? :arrow: UmMm...Moderate...like duhh :wasted: LOL I Kid :wasted:[/b] _____________________________________________________________________________ [align=center][b] FORUM MODERATOR[/b][/align] A forum moderator is someone granted special powers to enforce the rules of an Internet forum (or, as the case may be, their personal whim; the title refers to the powers more than the intent). Almost all moderators on all forums can move discussions to different sections of the forum, "close" or "lock" discussions to prevent users from continuing to discuss them, edit the content of individual postings, and "pin" or "stick" discussions so they remain visible in their forum section even if no new postings are made to them; different forums may give their moderators further powers. [align=center][b]ROLES[/b][/align] The roles of moderators can vary from forum to forum, just as the purposes of the forums themselves can vary. However, on boards intended to be public, moderators are generally accorded additional powers to enforce forum rules and conduct administrative tasks that cannot be trusted to ordinary users (such as pinning threads—if any user were allowed to pin his or her own thread, chaos would ensue). Among a moderator's enforcement duties is often the duty to stop flaming and keep the board a friendly place, free of personal insults (but different boards have different standards, and what is acceptable on one will invariably be prohibited on another). Most boards also ban illegal material (such as warez) and outright pornography, and many also restrict the use of swear words and any violent or sexual images. On some boards, moderators are expected to stay out of all contentious debates, or at least to use alternate accounts to engage in them unbeknownst to common members. On most boards, however, moderators may participate just as any normal member, provided they remain civil and generally obey the site rules. Some boards require moderators not to moderate any discussion or topic they're involved in, and many moderators on other boards take this upon themselves to avoid conflict of interest and bias. As always, there are many exceptions. Many small boards are operated at the whim of the site operator and perhaps some of his or her friends, and moderators might be able to do whatever they feel like on such boards (provided they avoid crossing their colleagues and superiors). Of course, a board with overly harsh or capricious moderators will lose members, but this may not be a concern for those who operate boards for fun or as a tangential matter to their website's main content. [align=center][b]POWERS[/b] [/align] Moderators can have some or all of the following powers, depending on the specific forum. Some of the powers, where appropriate, may be restricted to a subsection of the board. * Moving conversations to a different section of the forum. Virtually all forums are organized into various sections by topic to allow users to more easily read what interests them without having to sort through many topics of discussion they find boring. Moderators of most forums are able to move a conversation to a section more suited to it. On most modern forum software packages, a notice may be left in the original section so that those who contributed to the conversation earlier will be able to find it where they left it, at least for a few days. (Note: forum sections are often ambiguously referred to themselves as "boards" or "forums". For instance, "I posted in the Wikipedia forum on the MediaWiki board" would be unexceptional in most communities, meaning "I posted in the section of the MediaWiki forum devoted to Wikipedia". For the sake of clarity, this article uses section to refer to sections of a board and forum or board to refer to an entire board.) * Closing/locking threads (which term is used varies from community to community and software package to software package). Postings to Internet forums are organized into topics or threads of postings, typically organized sequentially by time of posting to form a conversation of sorts (see Internet forum). Most forums allow their moderators to close a given thread to further posting, effectively ending the conversation. This allows the existing content to remain fully visible, so that readers can easily see the moderator's reasons for closing the thread (it's generally customary for the moderator to post an explanation immediately before or after closing a thread). Certain users, generally moderators and administrators, may be able to post in closed threads, depending on the specific software package and configuration, although of course allowing too many users to post in closed threads defeats the purpose of closing the thread in the first place. * Editing posts. In the event that a post is made that contains only some content that breaches forum rules, moderators are usually able to remove that content while still leaving any legitimate content. Even if an entire post is removed via editing, users will still be able to see who originally posted it and when it was originally posted, so that users who view the thread later won't be confused by any references to it. Usually this method is used to remove illegal or grossly offensive material that would remain visible in a closed thread, or else to stop a single post from derailing an entire thread. Most forum software shows an edit notice whenever a post is edited, to prevent words from being put in a user's mouth (or to prevent a user from erasing evidence that he said something objectionable). This option can typically be made optional for certain categories of users if desired. * Pinning/sticking threads (again, the term used varies). The threads in a section are usually displayed in reverse chronological order by last post. This means that the threads at the top of the listing for a section will be the ones in which someone has most recently posted, and therefore posting in a thread will "bump" it to the top of the listing. However, pinned threads remain above unpinned threads at all times, no matter how old. This may be used to, for instance, keep a copy of forum rules at the top of every section of the board. * Deleting posts and threads. There are different kinds of deletion, and different moderators on different forums may be empowered to use different kinds. In general, something that's deleted vanishes from public view, if it continues to exist at all. The simplest form of deletion is variously called hard-deletion, physical removal, or (on forums that don't support other deletion options) simply deletion. Essentially, content deleted in this way is not recoverable through the forum software. It may be stored in backups, and some data recovery methods may work, but such methods are usually difficult. Many forums restrict hard-deletion to only a handful of individuals, requiring lower-level moderators to use more reversible methods. Other deletion methods can be collectively referred to as soft-deletion. The most basic of these is to move the content in question to a hidden section of the forum, so that only authorized users can view it. Anyone with the proper powers can then move the content back just as easily. One or two software packages, as of October 2005, have inbuilt support for soft-deletion—specific groups of users can be allowed to view a deletion notice but not the deleted content, or to view and undelete the deleted content. This allows more convenient soft-deletion of individual posts, which would otherwise have to be split from the thread (thereby obscuring their connection to their original context). * Splitting and merging threads. If two threads exist on similar topics, or multiple topics are being discussed in one thread, the threads can be merged or the thread can be split. * Banning users. Some forums allow some or all moderators to restrict or eliminate a troublesome user's posting or even viewing rights. Other boards restrict this ability to administrators. Of course, suspension of a user's account doesn't prevent the user from signing up under a different name, and for this reason a few forums also allow moderators to ban IP addresses. (Many boards that allow moderators to ban restrict the ability to IP-ban to administrators, however. Indeed, on vBulletin moderators can't be assigned the ability to ban an IP address.) * Viewing IP addresses. An IP address is the way Internet-enabled computers communicate with each other, and most forums log the IP address that all postings are made from. In general, this serves to aid identification of users, in combination with less technological means such as writing style, but it is by no means foolproof (see Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol and proxy server for two main ways in which it can be thwarted). IP addresses can therefore assist in stopping ban evasion, for instance. In general, ordinary users are prohibited from seeing others' IP addresses for reasons of privacy and security—if a hacker or otherwise technologically-savvy individual knows an IP address, it's possible for him to "attack" it in various ways, possibly taking revenge for the expression of views he disagrees with or the like. _____________________________________________________________________________ [align=center][b] So Goodluck when bumping into one :lol: :penguin:[/b] [b]Keep Rockin' \m/[/b][/align]

Last edited by Angeli_7 (2008-09-24 15:44:23)

» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: what are the jobs of the moderator here?

[quote=aRies04991]^ I don't belong at the first batch. i came from the second batch.[/quote] then who are the pioneers? siz padme and who else??=|;) [quote=ducheszv]im alwez here siszy :D imy too ... =([/quote] weee me misses you moer.. hope yer fine siz.. @angeli: nice post siz... yeah mods' roles can vary depending on the forum ;)

Last edited by kristina16 (2008-09-25 09:04:42)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: what are the jobs of the moderator here?

[quote=kristina16]then who are the pioneers? siz padme and who else??=|;)[/quote] Most of them are inactive already. but i remember ate meng, ate weng, and lois became mods before me.
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: what are the jobs of the moderator here?

[quote=aRies04991]Most of them are inactive already. but i remember ate meng, ate weng, and lois became mods before me.[/quote] waaah is that so... nice... but still i consider you guys as the pioneer mods... here ;)
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: what are the jobs of the moderator here?

I wonder to which "batch" could I belong, just kiddin.. hehehe.. @T: Thanks sis Angeli_7 for sharing the info. Indeed, clear and comprehensive. And it's true, as what sis Tinay mentioned, mods' roles vary depending on forums.. :thumbsup:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: what are the jobs of the moderator here?

^ I think kuya bob belongs to the first batch too. ahehe.. :cool: --- gotta run now, i'm going offtopic. XD :penguin:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: what are the jobs of the moderator here?

[quote=aysbeaux]Is that Kuya Tikboy who reacted when he saw his name?[/quote] :arrow: yeah he was sooo freaked out that his real name was there :lol: so, out of the first batch, only 6 are still mods =)
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: what are the jobs of the moderator here?

^ actaully, when im not still a member and just browsing through this site cause im lazy to be a member (who cares!?), i think the mods here are mod pad, you, mod mizel, and others. and im so glad that some of the original mods are here. =):thumbsup: good work. [quote=ducheszv]:arrow: As of now, there are 27 moderators[/quote] wow. i didn't know that there are plenty of mods. i guess some are inactive. i hope, they have time. they take this responsibility. but i still understand because they are busy with their lives.=|
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: what are the jobs of the moderator here?

when i first register here. the mods i first notice here is padme and meng(the legend) :lol: -------------- @topic: "A great moderator comes a great responsibility". ;) [b]Main duties of a Moderator:[/b] - Keep the forum organized. - If something is posted in the wrong forum, move it to the correct one. - Make sure topics stay ... well ... on-topic. - Keep it as friendly as possible. - Be able to login to the forum on a daily or every other day basis - Monitor threads/board if they are violating the rule - Should cooperate with other mods staff. - Make the forum more entertainment or fun. - Be a good example. - Be fair to others. - Do not use your powers to scared people. - Do not join the war or fight. - Don't whine - Don't go to the Administrator/s with every little problem. If you need assistance, please speak to another moderator before going to the Admin/s. - Respect the decision of Administrator I think Moderators know this already it is place on backstage or Area51 =) [spoiler]im an ex-mod also in other forum :ninja:[/spoiler]

Last edited by dondon (2008-09-25 10:35:26)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: what are the jobs of the moderator here?

[quote=maree12]wow. i didn't know that there are plenty of mods. i guess some are inactive. i hope, they have time. they take this responsibility. but i still understand because they are busy with their lives[/quote] :arrow: there aren't actually inactive mods.. hmm 2-5 i guess? maybe some of you just don't notice the mods of the other sections that's why you're not familiar with them =)
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: what are the jobs of the moderator here?

[quote=Angeli_7]FORUM MODERATOR[/quote] Wow angeli what an excellant definition of moderators roles and duties :thumbsup:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: what are the jobs of the moderator here?

I think moderators is one of the important one's here, no mods, no clean, they always organize the forum, I can't imagine how could they had a time to do those things, search for spammers, close thread and make it stick and etc. Well tnx to Moderators and of course to Admin :lol::lol::lol:, They do a great awesome job here at Friendstertalk!!
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: what are the jobs of the moderator here?

do moderators meet? knows each other personally? and what's a promoter?
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: what are the jobs of the moderator here?

how to apply to be a moderator?
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: what are the jobs of the moderator here?

Whoah! what a big responsibility for a Moderator! No wonder that such this big community has quite a number of Moderators. :thumbsup::thumbsup:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: what are the jobs of the moderator here?

[quote=mikay_03]do moderators meet? knows each other personally?[/quote] no we don't know each other personally.. we meet/met here in ftalk. some had an EB already.. :D [quote=mikay_03]what's a promoter?[/quote] go here for your question: http://theftalk.com/t6034-Referral-System.html [quote=punkpwinzes]how to apply to be a moderator?[/quote] you can PM admin for that :D good luck
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: what are the jobs of the moderator here?

waw.. i wanna be a moderator to.. hahahaa
  • » what are the jobs of the moderator here?

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