2008-01-01 10:22:48

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: just wana share to you this simple code on changin your [b]POST COMMENTS AND HOW MANY COMMENTS[/b] you have..well of course it isnt true..its a fake numbers of comments..silly me.. :D [code]document

[quote=kryzzia_08][quote=lordheinz][quote=kryzzia_08] ohh... cos i have lots of js files... :wallbash: if i put another js in my proffy, i think one of those will not work :crybaby:[/quote] ..its just the way you arrange them...it will work im sure of that...im not using js injections with all my codes.. i compile them in one js..unless you have friends randomizer by marfi...coz it will trigger some of your codes..hehehe.kiddin..[/quote] ahhh... [b]one js[/b]???? :D you mean,, all ur codes [[b]ex[/b]:customized your recent updates box(with viewers info.) & personalized comments] can compile on one js???^^ :o haha... i dunno that yet^^ :wallbash: thx for answering anyway!!^^[/quote] yes it is.... =)

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