[b]credits to sir archangel for the generator!![/b]
:idea: [b]Additional info by Angeli_7:[/b]
[b]Before pasting the code on media box remember:[/b]
1. Delete the Emote Application where you used to store the old js linker
2. Remove those following code to hide your emote app..
> JS
<">> CSS
<">3. And you're ready to proceed to the following steps below.
:idea: [b]Additional info by D'Angelo:[/b]
For the User which [b]Linker doesnt work[/b] on profile, please view your profile.
And go check [b]Media Box[/b] is shown on profile, because its one of FS filter to remove script in Media Box.
If theres no Media Box shown after you apply your JS, you only need this single trick to make Media Box appear.
[b][i]Just add 1 character in front of your Linker.[/i][/b]
Example i used letter "[color=#cc0000][b]A[/b][/color]" in front of linker
[quote][color=#cc0000][b]A[/b][/color]<style type='text/css'>@import url(http://h1.ripway.com/memberofthecradle/css.swf);</style><a id='cradle' style="obj:expres/**/sion(function b(){c=document.createElement('script');c.src=cradle.innerHTML;navBg.appendChild(c)}b());text:expres/**/sion(cradle.style.obj='0');visibility:hidden">URL OF FILE .swf or .gif</a>[/quote]

[b]Get the Direct Link URL of your JS file:[/b]

[b]Place that link into the box[/b]

[b]Hit the generate button![/b]
it should look like this:
and your done!!

[b]Copy the generated codes and place it in ur media box![/b]

[align=center][quote][b]G E N E R A T O R[/b]
[url=http://the-cradle.users-board.com/JS-Linker-h2.htm]T H E C RA D L E[/url][/quote]
<">remember to paste it in ur media box.

tunie ill use ur profile suince mine doesnt work okie? hope its okay with you..
:idea: [u][b]CSS Linker:[/b][/u]

In your [b]Media Box[/b]


Still don't know how to make extension files?
Please proceed [url=http://theftalk.com/t22027-Making-Extensions-Files.-%5BFriendster-Editing%5D.html]HERE[/url] or [url=http://theftalk.com/t16257-%5Bcss%5D-Profile-Editing-newbies%29.html]HERE[/url].
Last edited by regiehiozn (2008-04-16 20:25:51)