if uve got a problem on this linker,,u can stil luse the old method by inserting a linker,,simply by just following this thread.
i tried it now,,and dat method is wat im using now,,

see not been filtered already,, just only a lil time update,,
u can see on my preview here
like i said on my thread,,
Friendster keeps on updating and updating,,so if u are experiencing bout the updates of FS..if u can see ur page is in default page, well dont touch ur linker at ur emote apps, just wait for about 24 hours or more dan dat, if 24 hours passed, then do some actions if its not workin within 24 hours, by telling our modz or some announcement to all dat its not workin,.

if its back w/o touching it, den well done,

it means not filtered

be patience if FS is doing some updates, and ull see ur page is a default page, be patience,,wait for 24 hours.. thank you

go to that thread nad just follow da instruction,,and soon i wil lrequest to the modz to reopen that thread