I was quite disappointed when I saw some signatures that disregarded rule number 10.
[quote][b]10[/b]. Signatures. Don't use more than one banner. Don't make it excessive and annoying. Maximum image height for signature is 200px. No audio or video allowed. We have the right to edit or remove objectionable signature.[/quote]
That's why from now on if I see your signature and it's too big and disregards the rules you may find this on your signature later on.
[quote][b]Signature Removed.[/b]
[b]10[/b]. Signatures. Don't use more than one banner. Don't make it excessive and annoying. Maximum image height for signature is 200px. No audio or video allowed. We have the right to edit or remove objectionable signature.
Have a nice day: [b]Ephemeral[/b][/quote]
[quote][b]Rule Number Five[/b]
5. No nudity and offensive content in any post including signatures and avatars.
Have a nice day: [b]Ephemeral[/b][/quote]
Be angry if you must, or even hate me, but remember we moderators do this for your reputation as a good member, not for ours.
Other moderators can do this, not only me, Especially the admin.

Signature or avatars with any form of profanity, slang or direct user sarcasm shall be removed without prior notice to the member/user.
Possibility of being [b]Cursed[/b] or [b]Banned[/b] shall be implemented depending on degree of offense.
Direct signature or avatar provoking shall be removed as well if proven as charged. Let us respect one another. Remember you can not judge others you haven't even see them in real life.
You'll look like a megalomaniac if you keep provoking others. If you think you can handle something better, try helping, rather than complaining and provoking through your signatures. If you want to be a considered as a hypocrite by the majority, it is up to you...
This does not serve as a notice or reminder but a [color=red][b]warning[/b][/color].
Anyway have a nice day!
Last edited by Ephemeral (2008-03-18 02:12:50)