• » This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

[b]Lol, ate meng. I really want to ban him. He thinks he can fool us. You can see barely the copyright in the "Leave Me Alone" layout he posted.[/b]
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

read the ban list in the admin cp. i cnt be bother to post it in here. coz that's a multiple account. probably he will create another one. so i became lazy to post a ban report about him.
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

[quote=' 'eMokIdD][b]Lol, ate meng. I really want to ban him. He thinks he can fool us. You can see barely the copyright in the "Leave Me Alone" layout he posted.[/b][/quote] leave me alone layout from narcolepsy weed??? :o i remember that layout... that was the first overlay my sister used.. =D he is now on my watchlist.. :wallbash:
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

dont worry. i talked to him already. we will never to that again. he's also the one who hacked the database of ftalk. he posted an apology in the underground section. let's give him another chance
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

^ yep.. someone told me that he hacked the database of Ftalk.. he can even change his admin note into something.. :o someone also approached me last time (Chezter18) that the day he was banned he told ~Avant~ to unban him.. and ~Avant~ did.. =) but that was an unban for an hour.. i saw it.. =| then after that ~Avant~ put back the ban again because he's afraid someone might catch this situation.. :wallbash: and (Chezter18) gave him a repu.. i think he said [i]tnx..[/i] :thumbsdown: i told admin bout this.. but, where is he??? :paranoid:
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

@co-mods, http://www.friendster.com/44063267 <- check this please.. =) if she's your friend (coz she's in private) uhmm, if you'll use firefox to browse her page it will redirect to her ready made force log-in.. http://h1.ripway.com/aVryLLeaL/friendster.html <- i'll leave it to you guys.. :eh:
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

dj_dhey? i guess you misjudge the person that you recently ban. you said he promoted another site in the CHATBOX. then he may be ban only in the chatbox and not in the forum
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

[b]Just a follow up:[/b] Account and Email. propertyagents (roses@webname.com) nanilovesgold (nanilovesgold@yahoo.com) stopover0011 (stopover.stores.inc@live.com) ptzzq (zqshoes@yahoo.com.cn) Reason: Banned Due To Mindless Advertising. Bot Account. Proof: Retrace post and look at recent post and reply by members, email is also obvious. =)
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

What we must do to him? [img]http://images.eehjhay.com/medium/nigga.jpg[/img] He caused a lot of troubles and have issued with other members as well. In other words, he's pain in the ass to some of the members and to few moderators as well. Just check this thread using his other account http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?id=19135 I wanna ban him. I need at least 5 moderators who will agree so I can ban this person
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

Banned his/here :wallbash: IP, I am not offended by him/her because I face more sinister mocking remarks from my prof :wallbash: but still I think it's about time due to member complaints.
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

:arrow: He's a spammer. Most of the tricks and tutorial people are also against him. I do agree that he needs to be banned. he was also once a ripper of mherylicious. he always bump old posts.
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero
FTalkers ♥♥ My Threads!

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

^ Kk. Ban him. - - - - How about this member >> [url=http://theftalk.com/profile.php?id=36592]metaller2[/url] I've removed his oh-so-big siggy not only once, but twice. Do I have to warn a member who already agreed to follow the rules before registering here? :wallbash:

Last edited by `mizeL (2008-01-10 09:25:45)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

:arrow: ^ i removed his uber big siggy a while ago. was that his second time? :o
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero
FTalkers ♥♥ My Threads!

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

^ yup. and he even wants his siggy to be rated. :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: >> =| i don't know who nigga is. but due to your responses, i agree to ban him. :D :thumbsup:
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

Nigga should be banned. :D :thumbsup: Please. Pretty Please. :ninja:
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

[b]agree.......... :D :thumbsup: [/b] i mean he should be banned... :eh: :D
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

[quote=`mizeL]^ How about this member >> [url=http://theftalk.com/profile.php?id=36592]metaller2[/url] I've removed his oh-so-big siggy not only once, but twice. Do I have to warn a member who already agreed to follow the rules before registering here? :wallbash:[/quote] Did you measure the height of his signature banner? Or send a private message to him?
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero
FTalkers ♥♥ My Threads!

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

^ Yeah, the sig was like 4x4 inches or more. :disgust: I didn't send a pm to him yet. :lol:
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

I sent john_619619 two warnings. =| And he said.. [quote=john_619619]ban? :eh: ok,,its up to you :D :thumbsup: ban me! =|[/quote]
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

[quote=xavierkym]I sent john_619619 two warnings. =| And he said.. [quote=john_619619]ban? :eh: ok,,its up to you :D :thumbsup: ban me! =|[/quote] [/quote] Hmm..he seems confident even though we're going to ban him. He's annoying as well. His head is getting bigger and bigger, if you know what I mean. :P
  • » This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

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