• » This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

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This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

Please settle this in a proper manner guys.. we don't need to argue or debate.. I hope this issue will be solved as soon as possible...
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

^ thanks for that :) i posted, but still they persisted so i deleted my post. i guess what i said wasn't that important. for all of you ... :| pls stop? i don't want another member saying goodbye in the end. im full with that shit so pls.. make it ok :|
TA Juleigtin Siahaan
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

wew :D :D [b]>> blurrycloud and ducheszv[/b] I'm so sorry about it :) I hope shirow and real yuna online now =)
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

I'm sorry too Mod Ducheszv and Mod Blurrycloud and thank you so much for your attention :) Let just hope that this issue will be solved ASAP :)
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

[b]@all[/b] [i]"Sometimes, another's ego can corrupt a true friendship."[/i] ^ please reflect .. =) >>>>so let's not waste the value of our friendship around this forum because of small issues like this... ok move on guys...

Last edited by blurrycloud (2008-10-03 12:14:58)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

[quote=blurrycloud]Please settle this in a proper manner guys..[/quote] ok bro bluury am sorry sista Ducheszv -->> :thumbsup: peace :thumbsup:
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

OMG? What is this? I tried my best to understand the situation by just reading your discussions. However I may be wrong since I still can't read the discussion in the FTI. Anyway here it is. While there was a chaos or argument or flaming in one of the topic in FTI, the other moderators seem to ignore it, they rather post somewhere else. Maybe because: 1. They don't want to intervene since [b]they knew[/b] that the moderator whose in that situation is already taking some actions in it. Yuna have no rights to question the other moderator why they didn't help or deal with that argument unless or otherwise you asked for it. 2. Other members who read the argument didn't report it, other moderators didn't see the arguments or didn't notice it. (I'm just guessing since I can't read their discussions) 3. They thought its just a waste of time dealing with a childish argument wherein it occurred in an online forum. I realized arguing in any way in the internet is non-sense and stupid. (because there's no blood to spill. hehe joke) On the other hand, Yuna might felt the pressure from the argument and criticisms. Loosen up. Do not devote yourself too much. Arguing here won't do any good to anybody. Give respect and you can earn it too. Have enough humility, it can help you. As for the others, can you translate the discussion from the said argument please? :) Or can you please give the scenario/story what really happened. Some of us here are confuse what's happening here. [b]Why do we have to argue this, really?[/b]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

Whoa. I read them all. But unfortunately, I didn't absorb it as much as I wanted/needed to. =( Let's settle down and discuss (if there is something to discuss). Or just move on and stop arguing about it. [hr] I don't know what REALLY happened since I can't fully understand the discussions from the previous pages and also, I don't want to interfere (if ever that this has nothing to do with me). But I must say, something went wrong in FTI. :| I don't take this against anyone. Full opinion. Aw. I don't know. I'm too stressed already. :| :|
Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

[quote=TA Juleigtin Siahaan]Where are yuna and shirow?? :paranoid: =D =D All FTI mods are online now :eh:[/quote] We have our time to rest too. Do I have to stay 24 hours online? Besides, you guys didn't tell me that you will online at this time lol. So no need to question where is Yuna. [quote=TA Juleigtin Siahaan]For yuna...Just remember when you wasn't online for 7 months =D =D[/quote] Well. In that time, I wasn't online and wasn't be able to online because my school activities. I really have [b]no time[/b] to ONLINE. I thought I have been fired but not. Admin still give me chance so now I won't do it again. But this is different case, I saw other Moderator(s) were online ([i]They [/i]said that they have [b]less [/b]time. It's different with [b]no [/b]time) but [i]they [/i]didn't do any help on that thread. (Answering questions or give responds/opinions.) =| I'm really offline by that time due to some acceptable reasons and I guess its understandable. Well it's ok to be like that rather than being ONLINE and doing nothing. It is much worst than being off for a month compare being online almost of the time doing nothing. [quote=KaNaLiTnUk]I know Kiddy personally and I bet Kiddy did this for a good reason even though for expressing his mind he broke the rules. Can this be a consideration to unban him :)[/quote] Consideration to light up his period of banning. :) [quote=TA Juleigtin Siahaan]Hey..are u real yuna or someone who is trying to make chaos here?? :eh: :eh:[/quote] For so how many times did you ask this? I'm getting tired of this. I'm yuna, if you thought I'm Shirow (Someone told me that you were thought me as Shirow lol) then you're doing it wrong. Check the IP. I'm using the same IP everytime I posted. For those who wants translation, here's the translation post. CMIIW. http://theftalk.com/p1731906-2008-09-29-18%3A41%3A40.html#p1731906 [quote=kiddy]indonesia aja deh.. Aku lbh bangga bicara bahasa indonesia, situ ga bsa kan?wkwkwkwk.. Tiap negara pny bhs masing2.. aku jlsn dri awal y.. Gni..eh lewat aja deh.. Pasti udah ada yg bicarain ini kepadamu (master shirow...ampun..wkwkwkwk) sayangnya dia terlalu ngebesar2in.. Lgpl dirimu kan ga ngerti apa yg aku tuliz, pasti dri orang lain.. Aku mau tau, orang itu bilang apa seh.. Tulis dunk postingan'e dsni..mau klarifikasi ajah gtu..[/quote] [quote=Translation]let's speak in Indonesia.. I'm more proud to talk in Indonesian, and you can't rite?wkwkwkwk.. Every country has its own language.. Let me explain from beginning.. Here.. eh nevermind it.. There must be someone who has talked to you about this (Master Shirow.. Pardon.. wkwkwkwk) Unfortunately, he/she making this bigger.. Actually you won't understand what I wrote here, but from other person.. I want to know, what that person will tell you.. Please write his/her translation (post) here.. I just want to clarify..[/quote] http://theftalk.com/p1731959-2008-09-29-18%3A54%3A03.html#p1731959 [quote=kiddy]Eh orang sombong, elo baca dulu tuh postingan diatas.. Ga heran gue banyak yg ga suka mod sebelah.. Sombong tralalala...arrogant..arrogant..arrogant.. Tundukkin kepala elo klo elo emang jago! Lg males pm2an neh..[/quote] [quote=Translation]Eh arrogant person.. you need to read those posts above.. No wonder I, there's a lot who dislike mods from other side/country.. Arrogant.. tralalala..arrogant..arrogant..arrogant.. Bent/Bow down your head if you're really GREAT! I'm too lazy to PM..[/quote] Shirow was trying to resolve that thing via PM. But what he has done is keep flamming on that thread. [quote=eehjhay]1. They don't want to intervene since they knew that the moderator whose in that situation is already taking some actions in it. Yuna have no rights to question the other moderator why they didn't help or deal with that argument unless or otherwise you asked for it.[/quote] Common sense as Moderator. So I have to ask [i]them [/i]everytime I need them? Wow. It's like I'm the only Moderator who concern about that thread OVERALLY. [quote=eehjhay]2. Other members who read the argument didn't report it, other moderators didn't see the arguments or didn't notice it. (I'm just guessing since I can't read their discussions)[/quote] Other members are busy flamming in other thread. (Off Topic Thread) And at that time, I saw TA Juleigtin Siahaan was online. And he was viewing that thread. :) I was hoping that he will post there. But.. nope, he didn't post there after seeing it. About Oka, I already told to Oka that time about kiddy's ban. We have talked via YM. And he said it's ok. [quote=eehjhay]3. They thought its just a waste of time dealing with a childish argument wherein it occurred in an online forum. I realized arguing in any way in the internet is non-sense and stupid. (because there's no blood to spill. hehe joke)[/quote] Why wouldn't [i]they [/i]post there to stop the flamming? And oh.. why wouldn't [i]they [/i]post there since [b]long time[/b]? I saw [i]they [/i]were online everyday (Even just less time). So this case won't happen. But anyway, [b]NEVERMIND [/b]it. At least, I have done more than enough there. [quote=ducheszv]for all of you ... :| pls stop? i don't want another member saying goodbye in the end.[/quote] Ok. I will stop and now, how about this? [quote=Jirichi Ryunashira]Back to the topic, for any Moderators (all Moderators), this is the evidence about that kiddy. [url=http://i36.tinypic.com/20gmi35.jpg]Same style of posting.[/url] [url=http://i34.tinypic.com/359y3x4.jpg]Same IP is same and similar email(s) CYBORG.[/url] And I got information from some members that LordRiddle (who's in the same IP) is kiddy too. So, can I ban him for breaking another rules again?[/quote] Speaking of PMs to unban him, I got PMs to ban him too because of his bad attitude.

Last edited by Jirichi Ryunashira (2008-10-04 02:39:23)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

This my opinion ok? Actually I would like in join this discussion but I prefer to give my [b]opinions[/b]... 1. I can not join or meddle because I do not purely understand their language so I don't have the right to but in on her decision. 2. There are facts and evidences why kiddy was banned. It can be proven by the PM's, English or Indonesia. I can show mine if you want to. =) 3. Yuna has a point due to IP relativity. http://i34.tinypic.com/359y3x4.jpg and http://theftalk.com/admin_users.php?show_users= The IP doesn't lie. But still we don't have the right to jump into mediocre conclusions that's why it leads me to this final conclusion on my opinion. [b]4.[/b] I think that section needs [b]female[/b] moderators, because look... [b]Jirichi Ryunashira[/b], [i]KaNaLiTnUk, TA Juleigtin Siahaan, andHa, okacybernet[/i]. I am just suggesting this because there must be balance between shared opinions. Through experience, If a heavy section has moderators composed of male and female, the concept shared are fair. It can avoid one sided conclusions and produces quick solutions to the problem. Also tell me if I am wrong... [i]KaNaLiTnUk, TA Juleigtin Siahaan, andHa, okacybernet[/i] focuses on the Tricks and Tutorials section so you guys really need help on that section in terms of discussion or open topics. =) Anyway, I hope nobody misunderstands this because I have no bad intention. But it is still up to you guys... :penguin:

Last edited by Ephemeral (2008-10-03 23:36:51)

Shirow Masamune
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

^ Very well said thanks for hearing that out its shows [b]more sense[/b] :) hahaha oh wow guess whats going now ive just wake up and saw the posts here hahaha oh great it seems its getting blur and wider since the others are starting to participate on this issue barging in with those kind of vague assumptions. well [b]in my opinion[/b] its better if you kindly will leave this to the persons who are only involved on this issue so the topic will stay coherent and easier to be resolve. thank you :) [quote][b]eehjhay wrote:[/b] 1. They don't want to intervene since they knew that the moderator whose in that situation is already taking some actions in it. Yuna have no rights to question the other moderator why they didn't help or deal with that argument unless or otherwise you asked for it.[/quote] at first let me tell you this yuna didn't ask to have an argument there its all started when that member starts to flame and unwisely criticized the current moderating moderator there i don't know why the others didn't give their piece on that issue since its their responsibility to do so. i only see them as passives [quote=eehjhay]2. Other members who read the argument didn't report it, other moderators didn't see the arguments or didn't notice it. (I'm just guessing since I can't read their discussions)[/quote] i would suggest you read what yuna have replied on your post in additional to that while the fuzz with that member is occurring the other members on that section starts to flame too by posting and probably with a backstabbing remarks on some thread there. instead of reporting they all just flame and rant on their other thread. I'm very sure that the moderators during that time saw this issue coming but i guess they didn't care at all i never saw them posted during that time i don't know if they are afraid to participate or just too lazy to respond and instead they posted on the topic that aren't showing any significance(at my view) they let yuna to confront it by herself i thought its the job of the moderators to fix this kind of issues [quote=eehjhay]3. They thought its just a waste of time dealing with a childish argument wherein it occurred in an online forum. I realized arguing in any way in the internet is non-sense and stupid. (because there's no blood to spill. hehe joke)[/quote] in additional to yuna's statement if it is childish then why those moderators didn't post there at all and give their reaction and response saying its too "childish" to argue so stop on freaking arguing.. at least they said that but no! instead they've just passively watched and probably rejected to post there. and if you said that it is stupid and nonsense then those moderators who are member of that section should stop that right away cause its nonsense right? [quote]On the other hand, Yuna might felt the pressure from the argument and criticisms. Loosen up. Do not devote yourself too much. Arguing here won't do any good to anybody. Give respect and you can earn it too. Have enough humility, it can help you.[/quote] she is devoted to her job as a moderator thats why she is dealing with those kind of issues on her own i don't know about the others maybe they are afraid to take criticism lol and how she should respect those kind of members who didn't give the [b]respect[/b] to the moderators at the first place? hows that? being humble all the time isn't a good thing at all we should learn how to act according to the faced situation.. @FTI mods who disagree of the banisment of kiddy Show as a sufficient and reasonable reason why we should reconsider of banning that kiddy? take note that yuna is the who are holding kiddy's banishment [i]i want these issue to be solve as much as possible...[/i]

Last edited by Shirow Masamune (2008-10-04 06:30:36)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

:arrow: i wanted to post here since last night for clarifications and some insights about the problem.. but what's the point? people would just tell, 'get the hell out of here, you're not involved' since outsider opinions are not welcomed here, i'll just tell you guys to [b]reflect, and settle things as soon as possible[/b]. =) :thumbsup: i'm not meddling with your business ok. proceed.
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

^ Yup. I agree. I just posted to help and give some opinions or whatever needed. This is one of the reason why many people think of you as an arrogant person. We are posting here trying to resolve this issue.[quote=Shirow Masamune]it seems its getting blur and wider since the others are starting to participate on this issue barging in with those kind of vague assumptions. well in my opinion its better if you kindly will leave this to the persons who are only involved on this issue so the topic will stay coherent and easier to be resolve. thank you[/quote] Of course we'll just give some assumptions since we can not understand what's happening here. Some moderators are arguing on something, we have to do something. Since Yuna posted some translation, then it's kinda clear now. [quote=Shirow Masamune]i would suggest you read what yuna have replied on your post in additional to that while the fuzz with that member is occurring the other members on that section starts to flame too by posting and probably with a backstabbing remarks on some thread there.[/quote] I already did before you suggested it to me. thank you [quote=Shirow Masamune]in additional to yuna's statement if it is childish then why those moderators didn't post there at all and give their reaction and response saying its too "childish" to argue so stop on freaking arguing.. at least they said that but no! instead they've just passively watched and probably rejected to post there. and if you said that it is stupid and nonsense then those moderators who are member of that section should stop that right away cause its nonsense right?[/quote] Probably, yeah. You have some points here. But honestly, sometimes I feel lazy to post or get involve into a situation. I couldn't be bothered to interfere since I know my colleagues can handle it, the fact that they didn't ask some help or whatever. [quote=Jirichi Ryunashira]Why wouldn't they post there to stop the flamming? And oh.. why wouldn't they post there since long time? I saw they were online everyday (Even just less time). So this case won't happen. But anyway, NEVERMIND it. At least, I have done more than enough there.[/quote] I wonder too, actually. But if they said they are busy with something else, let's respect that. If we have some comments about their performance here on moderating, we can just report it to Admin. -- Now, can we go back to the topic? About that kiddy, list all the rules that he broke then we'll discuss how heavy will be his punishment. If other members asking to unban kiddy, then we'll tell them the reason why kiddy is banned.
Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

Thanks for the comment Ephe. You were helped me at least. Anyway, I got the [b]strong evidences[/b] now. More than enough to prove that Kiddy = Shinichi Kudo = Lord Riddle. Here's the screenshots. [url=http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj302/yuna4farplane/fleiacopy.jpg]Confession of a kiddy.[/url] [url=http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj302/yuna4farplane/brokerulesagainff.jpg]Shinichi Kudo and Lord Riddle were posted today, with same IP[/url]. And oh.. his email adds are the same. Cyborg and Aa Ezha. (You can see on previous screenshot, his screenname is aa ezha.) And ftw.. that kiddy ever been cursed before. Here's his name on Spammer List. Check it out here :arrow: http://theftalk.com/t25199-Spammer-List.html I demand that he will be ban for this period: 1-2 months. And during that time, if I caught him again using another ID, his period of banning will be longer or for the worst, PERMANENTLY. He has broke more than 2-3 rules here. This time, no need to post about UNBAN him. =| Flamming Mods on public thread, Multiple accounts usage, Using foul/offensive words.. I will ban his another IDs as soon as possible. And REMINDER FOR ALL MODERATORS. [b]What stays in Backstage, will stay in Backstage[/b]. I got those informations from another member who doesn't want his/her identity to be revealed. And if I caught a moderator who are spreading the issue on the backstage to the public then I'm sorry to say this but I will demand his/her demotion. Hope you will use your common-sense and professional attitude.. Thanks.

Last edited by Jirichi Ryunashira (2008-10-04 09:48:06)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

[quote=Jirichi Ryunashira]And REMINDER FOR ALL MODERATORS. What stays in Backstage, will stay in Backstage. I got those informations from another member who doesn't want his/her identity to be revealed. And if I caught a moderator who are spreading the issue on the backstage to the public then I'm sorry to say this but I will demand his/her demotion. Hope you will use your common-sense and professional attitude.. Thanks.[/quote] LOL. As far as I can remember, I am the one who said those lines. Why should I spill those information outside? I just post here to solve this issue then you'll think of something bad about me? [quote=Jirichi Ryunashira]I demand that he will be ban for this period: 1-2 months. And during that time, if I caught him again using another ID, his period of banning will be longer or for the worst, PERMANENTLY.[/quote] You can IP ban him for 3 months instead if you want so he can no longer use other accounts.
Shirow Masamune
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

Now that the violations of the member are now enlisted. the utmost verdict are upon us we demand his banishment longevity becomes 1-2 months as we for saw his treacherous act and grasp the strong and sufficient evidence needed for his banishment.. Our term is during on his banned period we would like to say that if we ever saw him using another account during that time we will not give any compensation or any consideration on banning him instead we will make his banishment worst.. As we can see now its clearly showed his violations and committed fouls should we give consideration anymore? i hope at this point the issue is solved and closed now i don't want to argue anymore about this outcry.. P.S. ive just pm a moderator here who are branching out all the issues and events to the members outside infact that moderator didn't reply my message at all BRAVO!! keep it up well done
Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

[quote=eehjhay]LOL. As far as I can remember, I am the one who said those lines. Why should I spill those information outside? I just post here to solve this issue then you'll think of something bad about me?[/quote] I'm not referring to you. And oh.. why would I think something bad about you? ;_; [quote=eehjhay]You can IP ban him for 3 months instead if you want so he can no longer use other accounts.[/quote] IP Ban won't work for him. He always use mobile phone internet, and the IP is dynamic. So the best way is ban all his IDs.
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

It's up to you. Whatever suites you. [quote=Jirichi Ryunashira]I'm not referring to you. And oh.. why would I think something bad about you? ;_;[/quote] :retard: I thought you are talking about me since I was the one who said those lines before. :lol: [quote=Shirow Masamune]P.S. ive just pm a moderator here who are branching out all the issues and events to the members outside infact that moderator didn't reply my message at all BRAVO!! keep it up well done[/quote] Who is that?
Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

I've banned kiddy and his other IDs for 2 months. Not IP Ban because he sometimes use mobile phone internet. Let's hope he won't appear again by using another ID. =) Anyway, I still want to remind. [b]What comes from Backstage, stays in Backstage.[/b] I hope no one will spread the screenshots and oh take screenshots about what happening on Backstage. =| I got a screenshot from other member about Mod Ban CP. =|

Last edited by Jirichi Ryunashira (2008-10-05 01:16:18)

» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

i think this issue not finish forever... :wallbash: discus discus discus :wallbash: but this problem not solve also. :thumbsdown: only one member make mistake this forum become uproar. :thumbsdown: all lets go to work...
  • » This topic is for the members that are under observation. This means that if you think someone has a bad intentions to our forum or forum members by using hacks, scums, and similar to those, [b]you po

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