This my opinion ok?
Actually I would like in join this discussion but I prefer to give my [b]opinions[/b]...
1. I can not join or meddle because I do not purely understand their language so I don't have the right to but in on her decision.
2. There are facts and evidences why kiddy was banned. It can be proven by the PM's, English or Indonesia. I can show mine if you want to.

3. Yuna has a point due to IP relativity. and The IP doesn't lie. But still we don't have the right to jump into mediocre conclusions that's why it leads me to this final conclusion on my opinion.
[b]4.[/b] I think that section needs [b]female[/b] moderators, because look... [b]Jirichi Ryunashira[/b], [i]KaNaLiTnUk, TA Juleigtin Siahaan, andHa, okacybernet[/i]. I am just suggesting this because there must be balance between shared opinions. Through experience, If a heavy section has moderators composed of male and female, the concept shared are fair. It can avoid one sided conclusions and produces quick solutions to the problem. Also tell me if I am wrong... [i]KaNaLiTnUk, TA Juleigtin Siahaan, andHa, okacybernet[/i] focuses on the Tricks and Tutorials section so you guys really need help on that section in terms of discussion or open topics.

Anyway, I hope nobody misunderstands this because I have no bad intention. But it is still up to you guys...
Last edited by Ephemeral (2008-10-03 23:36:51)