[b]>> All Moderators[/b]
Once more I want to remind us to use our power wisely as admin have said
Every section has moderators and I hope we respect our moderated area
If you have problems with some members in a section but you're not a moderator in the section just confirm with moderators of the section ..
We have a topic about this before
Please don't judge or take an action before
I hope we can work together better
Please respect each other
We have known about the rules
[quote]1. Use your common sense.[/quote]
I hope we can understand it
As a moderator we should control our ego
I'm so sorry If I've made mistaken with my words above
I just want this forum be better and better
For [b]Bram[/b]...I hope suggestions or advices from you about this case..
You're the best
And last I love this forum always
[b]>> Jirichi Ryunashira[/b]
I'll do my best for this forum coz I love this forum so much
Btw,can u explain what you mean with ur words
[b]Oh.. you're alive?[/b]
Of course I'm alive....I'm so great coz God is so kind to me
Last edited by TA Juleigtin Siahaan (2008-10-02 02:28:42)