^ What's so wrong if other Moderator(s) wanted to post in not-his/her-moderated area? There's no prohibition about that.
[quote=TA Juleigtin Siahaan]If you have problems with some members in a section but you're not a moderator in the section just confirm with moderators of the section ..

We have a topic about this before
http://theftalk.com/t30768-Compla … -here.html
Please don't judge or take an action before

I hope we can work together better[/quote]
Oh yeah. He has confirmed about it. And I could observed about it well by using common sense. Common sense is common. That member deserved to get banned.
[quote=TA Juleigtin Siahaan]Btw,can u explain what you mean with ur words

Oh.. you're alive?

Nvm it. I was thought that I was ALONE in FTI Section. Although I always see few Moderators who were always ONLINE, but I rarely see them zap reports or post their responds/opinion on [url=http://theftalk.com/t37137-Kritik%2C-Saran-dan-Pertanyaan-Mengenai-Ftalk-Indonesia.html]this thread[/url].
I was questioning where were they. Back on my previous posts,
[quote=Jirichi Ryunashira]I wonder maybe if ALL MODERATORS always post there then this case will not happen.

And now, they suddenly appear. Haha oh wow. I was just a lil 'surprised'.
Last edited by Jirichi Ryunashira (2008-10-02 02:46:54)