[quote=KaNaLiTnUk]Please kindly explain to me whom do you refer with "they" Mod Jirichi

I think it's not right to mention the NAME of "they". Well I think they can feel that by themselves.

"They" have less time, but sadly to say. They prefer to post in Off Topic/Other thread(s), not on that thread. Although, the questions [url=http://theftalk.com/t37137-Kritik%2C-Saran-dan-Pertanyaan-Mengenai-Ftalk-Indonesia.html]here[/url] are always directed to Moderators.
Some members even asked me about that. "Where's other Moderator(s)? I saw they were ONLINE. But why wouldn't they post there?"
If the reason is havin' less time, then why would they post on Off Topic/Other thread? Wow oh wow. I'm amazed.
Oh this is going off topic..

About that Shinichi Kudo, I have my thoughts and evidences here that he is the same guy with kiddy. [b]Can I ban all his multiple accounts? [/b]
It's LordRiddle, Shinichi Kudo, kiddy and another one. Some members told me about that.
Last edited by Jirichi Ryunashira (2008-10-03 00:03:40)