[quote=Shirow Masamune]if so then you should really stop by now i wouldn't post in such a harsh way if you didn't create another useless argument..[/quote]
ok i don't want to talk about this again...I'm sorry for my recent post.you still my friends..
lets go to work...

[quote=Ephemeral]Ok let us make it simple.

Let us straighten some facts.
Shirow Masamune banned the member with the supervision of sis Yuna due the received PM's and flamming/trolling reports. Meaning kiddy was banned with the discretion from a moderator of your section.
Later on he was unbanned by Yuna because she knows it's her responsibility.
While kiddy was unbanned he posted some things regarding us moderators.
Later on she was banned by Yuna again with a reason.[/quote]
i know that bro.thanks for info..for me this problem solved...