I believe on his explanations here..
[quote][b]First thing to say this is zerO. I forced her to borrow her account for a mean time. [/b][/quote]
The real [b]ykisaragi16[/b] doesn't post like that, She has another account which is telling that she is really a Girl. I remembered She's the one who confessed the she went out without wearing her undies. Oopppss. Sorry. And the first Feedbacks of [b]ykisaragi16[/b] on the Suggestion and Feedbacks, Yuna checked her IP and its the same IP with the girl who confessed, The Username is [b]Stacie[/b], Unfortunately, Reverzero borrowed her accounts so the IP add of [b]ykisaragi16[/b] has changed. And its [b]ykisaragi16[/b] new IP add.

However, We should give [b]ykisaragi16[/b] punishments then?.