2007-09-03 07:30:57

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]UPDATED NOV 20[/b] [b]Step 1[/b] Onload Handler. If you dont have yet this code, paste after the above code. [code]function onProfileLoad() { Ffetcher.init(); } if (!attachOnLoadHandler(functio

@ frolickfriendster I tried adding the Random Friends just a while ago and it works.. it looks good in firefox but flushed on the left in IE so i have to make an adjustment... in case you'll need it here's my css... see my profile for preview... hope this would help... =) <">btw.. i've used the old Friend Randomizer codes the one i've used before and just added the ajax request... i'm so glad they have the same effect as the addBox.

Last edited by Refresh/Reload (2007-09-03 07:36:51)

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