[quote=frolickfriendster]I am really getting disappointed, frustrated and ohhh geez...
I think only Ken can fix my problem, if he wants to huhuhuhu
Ken if you read this here's my problem:
1. I am still using the old addSideBar function
2. I am still using the old addMainBox function
3. I have the code to fix the profiles.friendster.com issue on top of my JS ext file
4. I have the ajax code in my JS ext file
4. If I use your new randomize friends code:
a. Randomize friends doesnt show up properly with big envelop graphic files
b. my WVM tracker stops working.
5. If I use the old randomize friends code of Refresh/reload and Lordheinz,
its still the same:
a. Randomize friends doesnt show up properly with big envelop graphic files
b. my WVM tracker stops working.
Right now here is my code,
<">Ken, kindly inspect the codes above. Or if you want, kindly inspect my whole JS ext file:
I really dont know what else have gone wrong. Just earlier I added the ajax messenger code and is working perfectly fine.
But with this randomizer, its been 2 days and I am having migraines...maybe sooner or later, Im gonna have mental over fatigue. Please help. huhuhuhuh[/quote]

What you are having are bugs my friend... you have multiple AddMainbox
script in your file... doubled script causes bugs bigtime!!

here's a tip:
1. you only need one(1) extension link... preferebly the tracker.js of your WVM
2. If you're using the old WVM... the AddMainbox and the AddSidebar are
already inside it so no need to duplicate... meaning... if you add the comments,
message pop-ups or the Friend Randomizer.. no need to put or add another
mainbox script on it... just put the rest of the code below the tracker codes.
just like the ajax request.. you only need one...
3. If you're using much older version just add the addMainbox or AddSidebar
function only once.. no need to duplicte per codes..
4. you can put all your js/codes in and out of the tracker codes.
see as reference: if you have the time....
[url=http://theftalk.com/t6843-TUTORIAL%3A-FTalk-Coders-Codes...html]How to use FTalk Coders Codes.[/url]
hope this would help..
Last edited by Refresh/Reload (2007-09-05 15:54:16)