2007-09-10 10:22:11

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]UPDATED NOV 20[/b] [b]Step 1[/b] Onload Handler. If you dont have yet this code, paste after the above code. [code]function onProfileLoad() { Ffetcher.init(); } if (!attachOnLoadHandler(functio

[quote=Refresh/Reload][just a suggestion bob... don't include the YM Status inside the onloadhandler.. put it outside the tracker codes... below or above.. it doesn't belong there... it will kill some of the codes you have or you'll have inside the onload handler that uses an addbox =)[/quote] Thanks for the suggestion I will try that :thumbsup: [quote=frolickfriendster]The problem with this code (or other codes of Marfillaster, for that matter) is that it keeps on changing/updating that you have to keep on track with his changes. The WVM tracker code, for example, must have undergone several changes in the past few months and he posts updates in the same forum thread WITH NO VERSION NUMBER WHATSOEVER. From the addsidebar to the addmainbox, and now the addbox function, for example, which he uses on this updated randomized friends code...For some of us noobs, it can get really difficult, so I certainly know how you feel. The randomized friends script also seems to interfere with the old tracker codes (which happened to me)...so here's what I did: 1. Separate my old tracker (WVM which uses the old addsidebar function) script from the Randomized script. This means I have two javascripts: 1. tracker.js 2. randomized.js 2. Use the old randomized script. (refer to Refresh/reload earlier post. He posted the old randomized script that uses the old addmainbox function.) 3. Call out randomized.js inside tracker.js This way I still use my old WVM (of which is still working perfectly) and the randmized script wont have to interfere with it. BTW: I disagree with refresh/reload's suggestion of compiling everything in one JS. That's ideal, but unfortunately not applicable for everybody. There are just some scripts that interferes with each other that you have to put them separately. When I had migraines for 3 days putting this randomized script on my proffy, none of his suggestions worked actually. I had to make an experiment, dissect codes one by one and found out the problem was not in my JS file but in my CSS file. But I still thank him for the old randomized script which I am now using...[/quote] Thanks...so what I am understanding is for me to start with a fresh tracker and add as I can? [quote=marfillaster]in that case, i shouldnt be updating anything anymore :|[/quote] No please keep the updates coming, anything that is an improvement is always welcome even if it causing some initial confusion with the old codes.

Last edited by bobcbar (2007-09-10 10:38:19)

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