2007-09-10 10:50:55

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]UPDATED NOV 20[/b] [b]Step 1[/b] Onload Handler. If you dont have yet this code, paste after the above code. [code]function onProfileLoad() { Ffetcher.init(); } if (!attachOnLoadHandler(functio

[quote][b]marfillaster wrote:[/b] in that case, i shouldnt be updating anything anymore neutral[/quote] whohow!!! what was happening here? :ninja: :ninja: hmmm... mr. ken dont put some final decision just because of a [b]pointless [/b]matter. =) i definitely don't agree with that. @ frolick and any other newbie here, and as for me also - a newbie... and @ topic - to the reason that friendster has this continous update this past weeks, wvm (and also other codes here specially linker codes) has been terribly suffering so much that it needed to be updated due to the said reason. - and also for the reason that avid user's of marfillaster's tweaks re: addsidebox and addmainbox functions was also affected due to the wvm's update for the main and only reason that friendster had done updates.. [b]isn't it enough that sir marfilla had made an effort doing those update concerning to those users of his codes that has experiencing disfunction due to that d*mn updates of friendster?[/b] i don't think sir marfillaster [b]deserves[/b] all of your critisms just because you didnt get exactly what his update all about... :lol: =D :D nwei, please to all code users,,, dont just depend on a copy paste codes made by intelligent people here. try to analyze and study also the codes you wished to apply in your profile as an ftalker and a code user "we" are responsible to know the use and the meaning of the codes and tweaks we are using in our profile kindly [b]avoid criticizing[/b] people here that are [b]most helpful and most needed[/b] here in ftalk than a newbie like me and you who just used their intelligent creations... try to [b]appreciate[/b] their efforts, answering and entertaining your querries and even the updates they do to their code for it is for our benefit. just a suggestion try to follow the flow of the updates (not only the updates on the code but also the update on friendster) and im sure you people will get what you wanted...

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