2007-11-20 22:56:13

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]UPDATED NOV 20[/b] [b]Step 1[/b] Onload Handler. If you dont have yet this code, paste after the above code. [code]function onProfileLoad() { Ffetcher.init(); } if (!attachOnLoadHandler(functio

[quote=mickyriora][quote=lordheinz]hrrr..i think i wont do it anymore..hehehe.it'l take more time again to manage it..but this trick is really cool..coz im using it before...tha :) nks sir bob...[/quote] It's not really that hard to change your siblings or functions...Just use marfi's addbox generator, makes it easier for you to change it..That's what I did =) [b]@bob[/b] my friend, refresh/reload's post is just tuts on how to put it in sidebar =) I used that too..lordheinz still have to make use of the new addbox function..I I tried using the old addbox function with updated div id's before & the box showed but no friends showing.[/quote] oops sorry again giving bad suggestions :wallbash:

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