2008-05-01 01:17:18

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Insights:[/b] Based on HyperText Markup Language [i](HTML)[/i]. [quote][b]What are Hide Codes? [i](el)[/i] [/b] [b]Hide Codes[/b] - codes used to remove tags, identifications and classes. [b]Wha

please help me it's not working!!!! WHY? i'm using michaels profile editor i pasted the code i got from michaels profile editor in the CSS box and then i placed the HIDE codes on the bottom of the code i got from MICHAEL profile editor. so what's the problem? where should i paste this codes? i'm so confused i've been troubled for a week!!!! HELP HELP HELP!!!! PLEASE i'm begging you i'm down on bended knee!!!!:crybaby:

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