[quote=malow]yesz sisz..
its because of my classmate..
she always cheat!
all of my classmates know taht
since last yir she's doing taht but not too much..
so last yir there was a deduction n her grades..
but now she bacame worst!
she always cheat during quizes,exams,seatworks, and even assignments!
and she is making our other classmates uto-uto..
so they let her cheat
we told our adviser about taht and our other teachers..
but they said that the grades are already passed?
they will announce the top ten tom or friday!
all of my classmates are mad t her!
and also me..
our teachers cant do anything about taht[/quote]

. arrgh. i hate that too huh

maybe there's sumthng miraculous is happening.
my english suckx.
nwey, gluck to me on fri. -announcing of teh honorable students
