2008-09-19 03:58:13

As cicatrizes
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: In case, if there are some members who want to know the rankings in forum. Since member list isn't available to members. I shall post this one. Here's FTalk Rankings: [quote]:arrow: You will get di

[quote=jmaex3]I really want to know how FTalk members become Moderators, too.[/quote] [b]they apply for that rank.[/b] :D [quote=mhedge]uhmm.. can you also post the needed number of posts?? :D just a suggestion .. =):thumbsup:[/quote] [b]it was posted before but the mods took it off coz if the members know the post number required for each rank they might just spam and spam just to achieve a certain number of posts.[/b] =)

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