2008-12-03 17:45:12

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: In case, if there are some members who want to know the rankings in forum. Since member list isn't available to members. I shall post this one. Here's FTalk Rankings: [quote]:arrow: You will get di

[quote=SakabatouSHINTA]my only intention here is to have fun and as well to meet new friends.[/quote] ^ Yeah, that's my main point, have fun. It seems like we're running by each other alot here, well you can call me lin xP Anyway, if you see anyone bringing you down because of "their level of supremecy" in & outside ftalk, Well that's life plenty of people are going to be like that. Your best bet is to just live life, do your thing and have fun :D

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