nuuuuuuu. i'll go with uga having ps brush kind of splat then.

[quote=admin;#3572956;1273341996]not really, thats why i wrote it buttmarks with s[/quote]
and you're squirming your way out of this one again.

[quote=admin;#3572956;1273341996]probably that of phahaha ;3 species is wide enough though[/quote]
HAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! XL tee for phahaha species.
[quote=admin;#3572956;1273341996]i think it's just gonna be fit in the palm of my hands[/quote]
What HUGE HANDS you got there admin.

[quote=admin;#3572957;1273342433]u know.. i actually added that blue splat just because i thought it's gonna be good on putih or other light colors see...?[/quote]
make it green, like uga's color. so it would be like mucous coming out from the shirt.

[quote=admin;#3572957;1273342433]i'd rather let it be gramatically incorrect[/quote]
wha..? are you sure?

[quote=andHa;#3573055;1273351557]can i start deciding what size i'll go with ?[/quote]
andha, im wondering. Do you read everything we post? Or atleast admin's post? coz all you haf to do is backread to know the answers to yer questions.
just sayin man.