2010-06-30 10:16:54

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

[quote=Jirichi Ryunashira;#3643246;1277886902]uso da~ne[/quote] honto!! :xixi: [quote=Jirichi Ryunashira;#3643328;1277898728]EB @ SM North EDSA/TriNoma (July 11, 2010) are you in?[/quote] I kinda heard why james isn't here in BS. I think he got hospitalized... [quote=admin;#3643318;1277897246]so tell us what's your suggestion and we'll think about that[/quote] like inviting non mods who are close to us? :lol3: [quote=Jirichi Ryunashira;#3643328;1277898728]Alright. I'm future-seeing admin with a cheerleader uniform throwing some hoops on the ring. it will be super hot, won't it?[/quote] don't forget teh pom poms :lol3: :lol3:

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