2008-02-09 21:19:03

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Insights:[/b] Based on HyperText Markup Language [i](HTML)[/i]. [quote][b]What are Hide Codes? [i](el)[/i] [/b] [b]Hide Codes[/b] - codes used to remove tags, identifications and classes. [b]Wha

[quote=mitchai]hi. how can i get the code ?? i don't understand your tutorials. at the last part .. "Edit Hosted C.S.S. Files Internally: 1) Go to your file then select "Edit Text" button. Example: 2) Insert you code in text area below the Text then press "Save Changes" button. (Can include HTML) The updates will directly update your profile, no need for external editing. ..what do you mean ?? i don't understand. can you PLEASE help me ?? i really want to have a hide section. PLEASE..[/quote] that tutorial s applicable if u already hav an extrnal file... & hav the linker in ur profile already... now, if u jz started this tweakng thing..i suggst u read here: http://theftalk.com/t16257-%5Bcss%5D-Profile-Editing-newbies%29.html

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