2008-02-17 00:27:56

» n00b
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Re: [b]Insights:[/b] Based on HyperText Markup Language [i](HTML)[/i]. [quote][b]What are Hide Codes? [i](el)[/i] [/b] [b]Hide Codes[/b] - codes used to remove tags, identifications and classes. [b]Wha

[quote=sHy19][quote=yengyeng][b]so is it just RIPWAY has a problem or sumthing? coz like FS juz had a maintnance ths week. theyv prolly updated the codes for it? haay :cry: [/b][/quote] yes they had a maintenance & filterd the old linkers.. but glad to say ther's been updated linkers since feb.13 thanx to ArchAngell [url=http://angelldeville.mydiscussionboard.com/The-CSS-Link-Generator-from-ArchAngell-h14.htm][b]CSS[/b][/url] [url=http://angelldeville.mydiscussionboard.com/The-Link-Generator-Codes-and-generator-from-ArchAngell-h11.htm][b]JS/txt[/b][/url][/quote] omg it worked! tnx a lot!!! :thumbsup: :D

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