[quote=honey_jx2]so i have a WVM hosted by aftermath...
how will am i going to add a box and other codes???
don't get the tutorial...

I am not sure which addfunction code aftermath is using inside the tracker.js that is what determines which addbox generator you would use.
If he is using the feruzz addfunction then you should use this link to generate the addbox...[url]http://renalvir.zuiken.net/wvmgen/ver2.2/addboxgen.html[/url]
If he is using marfillaster newest addfunction the you should use this link to generate the addbox..[url]http://h1.ripway.com/mumbhaki/addBoxGenerator.html[/url]
Look at the examples shown on page 1, the first two codes, for the differences. Then check ur tracker.js for which code is being used.
Last edited by bobcbar (2007-11-19 09:16:03)