• » [b]First of all, please familiarize yourself with all the codes & take note of the difference between css & js.[/b] The topic here is about compiling js so don't be asking about css considered only if

[b]First of all, please familiarize yourself with all the codes & take note of the difference between css & js.[/b] The topic here is about compiling js so don't be asking about css considered only if

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]First of all, please familiarize yourself with all the codes & take note of the difference between css & js.[/b] The topic here is about compiling js so don't be asking about css considered only if

[b]great[/b] :thumbsup:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]First of all, please familiarize yourself with all the codes & take note of the difference between css & js.[/b] The topic here is about compiling js so don't be asking about css considered only if

i cant make my code work. pls help me know what's wrong with the code im using. <">pls help. i tried all the alternatives. i.e. putting first the code b4 css injection. before loader. before forced log-in but still wont work. pls help.
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]First of all, please familiarize yourself with all the codes & take note of the difference between css & js.[/b] The topic here is about compiling js so don't be asking about css considered only if

@bloodthoughts: understand the arrangement. [b]Example:[/b] [quote]//Other Codes Here Loading Page css injection //onload handler function onProfileLoad() { //insert generated boxes here //Music Playlist var header="My Music Playlist"; var music="<div style=\"text-align: center; margin-left: auto; visibility:visible; margin-right: auto; width:450px;\">"+ "<object type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" width=\"99%\" height=\"270\""+ "data=\"http://www.musicplaylist.us/loadplaylist/YOUR OWN #/config_COLOR/270/430/true\">"+ "<param name=\"bgcolor\" value=\"#e8e8e8\">"+ "<param name=\"movie\""+ "value=\"http://www.musicplaylist.us/loadplaylist/YOUR OWN #/config_COLOR/270/430/true\">"+ "</object>"+ "<BR><a href=http://www.musicplaylist.us><img src=http://www.musicplaylist.us/mc/images/create_blue.jpg border=0></a><a href=http://www.musicplaylist.us/standalone/YOUR OWN # target=_blank><img src=http://www.musicplaylist.us/mc/images/launch_blue.jpg border=0></a><a href=http://www.musicplaylist.us/download/YOUR OWN #><img src=http://www.musicplaylist.us/mc/images/get_blue.jpg border=0></a>"+ "</div>"; addBox(header,music,"custombox_906",/commonbox[\s]*?moreabout/i); //CBox var header="My ChatBox"; var shoutmix="<!-- Begin ShoutMix - http://www.shoutmix.com -->"+ "<iframe title=\"samuselle\" src=\"http://www2.shoutmix.com/?USERNAME\" width=\"99%\" height=\"400\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"auto\">"+ "<a href=\"http://www2.shoutmix.com/?USERNAME\">View shoutbox</a>"+ "</iframe>"+ "<br /><a href=\"http://www.shoutmix.com\" title=\"Get your own free shoutbox at ShoutMix!\">Free shoutbox @ ShoutMix</a><br />"+ "<!-- End ShoutMix -->"; addBox(header,shoutmix,"custombox_873","right"); //Wvm Cbox var header="wvmcbox"; var cbox="<div align='center' id='cboxdiv'>"+ "<iframe frameborder='0' width='99%' height='250' src='http://www.cbox.ws/box/?boxid=#######&boxtag=####&sec=main' marginheight='2' marginwidth='2' scrolling='auto' allowtransparency='yes' name='wvmcboxmain' id='wvmcboxmain'>"+ "</iframe>"+ "</div>"; addBox(header,cbox,"custombox_185",/standalonebox[\s]*?ads/i); //Vertical Slide in your Friends Box var shakiro="<br>EMBED VERTICAL SLIDE CODES HERE<div style=\"width:100%;text-align:center;\">| <a href=\"http://www.friendster.com/friends/your userid\" target=\"_blank\"><b>*View My Friends*</a> |</div>"; document.getElementById('content_2').style.height='100%'; document.getElementById('content_2').style.overflowY='hidden'; document.getElementById('content_2').innerHTML = "<table width='100%'><tr><td align='center'>"+shakiro+"</td></tr></table>"; //Photo Gallery Slide var slodde = "<embed src=\"http://widget-e7.slide.com/widgets/slideticker.swf\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" quality=\"high\" scale=\"noscale\" salign=\"l\" wmode=\"transparent\" flashvars=\"cy=fr&il=1&channel=YOUR OWN NUMBER&site=widget-e7.slide.com\" style=\"width:100%;height:125px\" name=\"flashticker\" align=\"middle\"/><div style=\"width:100%;text-align:center;\"><a href=\"http://www.friendster.com/photos/USERID\" target=\"_blank\"><b>View All Photo</a> | <a href=\"http://www.friendster.com/friendphotoupload.php?uid=USERID\" target=\"_blank\">Upload Photo Fo Me</b></a></div>"; document.getElementById('content_1').style.height='100%'; document.getElementById('content_1').style.overflowY='hidden'; document.getElementById('content_1').innerHTML = "<table width='100%'><tr><td align='center'>"+slodde+"</td></tr></table>"; //Icon Under Control Panel var penyuberenang; try {penyuberenang = document.createElement("div");} catch (e) {penyuberenang = document.createElement("<div>");} penyuberenang.innerHTML ="<img src='http://www.danasoft.com/sig/filename.jpg'>"; penyuberenang.setAttribute("style","text-align:center;padding-top:10px"); document.getElementById("controlPanelButtons").parentNode.appendChild(penyuberenang); } if (!attachOnLoadHandler(function(){onProfileLoad()})) window.onload = function(){onProfileLoad()}; function addBox(head,code,id,siblingafter) { /* head: html string title null - no header bar code: html string content id: unique string css pointer siblingafter: regexp classname 'left' - mainbar column end 'right' - sidebar column end */ try { var li=document.createElement("li"); } catch(e) { var li=document.createElement("<li>"); } if(!head) head=""; else head="<h2>"+head+"</h2>"; li.innerHTML="<div id=\""+id+"\" class=\"commonbox "+id+"\">"+ head+ "<div id=\"content_"+id+"\">"+ code+ "</div>"+ "</div>"; if(siblingafter=="left") getElementsByClass(/commonbox[\s]*?controlpanel/i,null,"DIV")[0].parentNode.parentNode.appendChild(li); else if(siblingafter=="right") getElementsByClass(/commonbox[\s]*?friends/i,null,"DIV")[0].parentNode.parentNode.appendChild(li); else { var si=getElementsByClass(siblingafter,null,"DIV")[0]; si.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(li,si.parentNode); } } function getElementsByClass(searchClass,node,tag) { var classElements = new Array(); if ( node == null ) node = document; if ( tag == null ) tag = '*'; var els = node.getElementsByTagName(tag); var elsLen = els.length; var pattern = new RegExp(searchClass); for (i = 0, j = 0; i < elsLen; i++) { if ( pattern.test(els[i].className) ) { classElements[j] = els[i]; j++; } } return classElements; } //Other codes here[/quote] all of your box codes must be inside the [b]Onload Handler.[/b] which of them are boxcodes? usually all boxcodes starts with [b]var header[/b]. :|

Last edited by ducheszv (2007-12-06 12:32:31)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]First of all, please familiarize yourself with all the codes & take note of the difference between css & js.[/b] The topic here is about compiling js so don't be asking about css considered only if

[quote=d.razcalz]sorry ms.micky.. i'm a very slow learner..hope you understand.. :cry: it worked now on my profile..many many many thanks to you.. [quote]addBox("left","My Navigation",nav,"My Navigation","0");[/quote] ^ that's only my problem..dunno what to put in the addbox(blah..blah..blah..)..well..problem solved..thank you so much.. :thumbsup:[/quote] No problem, I understand..I just showed you the difference just so you know =) It's just that later on you might want to add more boxes & with my experience testing those before, I noticed that using the new addbox function is better in adding boxes whereas the old addbox function a little bit hard to addboxes in sidebar, like for example putting same siblings or if you want to put 2 0r more sidebars all at the last part using null as null appends to last, would conflict with the others & wouldn't work so your choice is to put it as mainbar, but with the new addbox function, put 2 or more sidebars as Right which appends to last will work. [b]@bloodythoughts [/b] This is my example guide in number 1 topic...See how I implemented the loading page?..There is no onloadhandler, you don't have to add that like what you have in there.... You can apply the same if you don't have wvm, like the other example I posted quoted by duschev above. [quote]// js injection [color=red][b]you may inject your wvmcbox as shown here if you want to have wvmcbox by Feruzz & wvm by Marfi[/b][/color] var myjs = document.createElement("script"); myjs.type = "text/javascript"; myjs.src = "http://h1.ripway.com/USERNAME/WVMcboxmode.js"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(myjs); [color=red]// css injection[/color] var css = document.createElement("link"); css.setAttribute("rel","stylesheet"); css.setAttribute("href","CSS_LINK_HERE"); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(css); [color=red]//Loading page for all browser by ezil2007[/color] loader=new loader(); function loader() { this.hide=function() { lding.style.display='none'; } var lding = document.getElementById('navBg'); myWidth = screen.availWidth; myHeight = screen.availHeight; lding.style.zIndex=1000; lding.style.backgroundImage ="url(http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q205/ezil2007/overlay.png)"; lding.style.backgroundRepeat='repeat'; lding.style.position = 'fixed'; lding.style.top = '0px'; lding.style.left = '0px'; lding.style.width = myWidth; lding.style.height = myHeight; lding.style.overflow = 'hidden'; lding.style.display=''; lding.innerHTML="<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><center><font face='Comic Sans MS' color='white' size='20'>"+pageViewerFName+" Thanks for visiting! <br><br><br><br>Loading.. Please Wait...</font><b><br><br><br><br><br><img src='http://i135.photobucket.com/albums/q131/nikkomon_139/i102337293_99882.gif'/></center>"; } var ld=setTimeout("loader.hide()",4000); [color=red]// or you may use enterpage trick by Tazmaine[/color] var myplace = document.location.href; if (myplace == "http://profiles.friendster.com/user.php?uid=12345678"){ } else if (myplace == "http://profiles.friendster.com/user.php?uid=12345678"){ } else { location.href = "URL OF PHP or HTML"; } function onProfileLoad() { //onload handler //CBox var cbox="<div align='center' id='cbox'>"+blah,blah,blah...... [color=red]addBox("RIGHT","My Chat Box",cbox,"CHIKACHIKABOOMBOOM","[b]14[/b]");[/color] [color=blue]addBox("MyChatbox",cbox,"custombox_605",/standalonebox[\s]*?[b]ads/i[/b]);[/color] var mp3="<embed src=\"http://www.mp3profiles.com/players/style1/skinplayer.swf?blah,blah,blah.... [color=red]addBox("right","My MP3",mp3,"muzic","[b]2[/b]");[/color] [color=blue]addBox("My Music",mp3,"custombox_212",/commonbox[\s]*?[b]friends/i[/b]);[/color] [color=red]addBox("RIGHT","PEEPZ VISITED MY PAGE",TRACKER.div.innerHTML,"tracker",null);[/color] [color=blue]addBox(pageOwnerFName+"'s Visitors",TRACKER.div.innerHTML,"tracker","right");[/color] //Moving Friends Box var marqueeFriends = document.getElementById("content_2").innerHTML; document.getElementById("content_2").innerHTML ="<marquee direction='up' height='300' scrollamount='2' onMouseOver='stop()' onMouseOut='start()'>"+ marqueeFriends+"</marquee>"; // Marquee Fan of Box var marqueeFanof = document.getElementById("content_7").innerHTML; document.getElementById("content_7").innerHTML ="<marquee direction='up' height='200' scrollamount='3' onMouseOver='stop()' onMouseOut='start()'>"+ marqueeFanof+"</marquee>"; // Groups var marqueeGroups = document.getElementById('content_8').innerHTML; var Friends = document.getElementById('content_8'); Friends.innerHTML = "<marquee id=\"marquee\" direction=\"up\" height=\"100\" scrollamount=\"5\" onMouseOver=\"stop()\" onMouseOut=\"start()\">" + marqueeGroups + "<marquee>"; //Photo Gallery Slide var slodde = "<embed src=\"http://widget-e7.slide.com/widgets/slideticker.swf\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" quality=\"high\" scale=\"noscale\" salign=\"l\" wmode=\"transparent\" flashvars=\"cy=fr&il=1&channel=YOUR OWN&site=widget-e7.slide.com\" style=\"width:100%;height:125px\" name=\"flashticker\" align=\"middle\"/><div style=\"width:100%;text-align:center;\"><a href=\"http://www.friendster.com/photos/USERID\" target=\"_blank\"><b>View All Photo</a> | <a href=\"http://www.friendster.com/friendphotoupload.php?uid=USERID\" target=\"_blank\">Upload Photo Fo Me</b></a></div>"; document.getElementById('content_1').style.height='100%'; document.getElementById('content_1').style.overflowY='hidden'; document.getElementById('content_1').innerHTML = "<table width='100%'><tr><td align='center'>"+slodde+"</td></tr></table>"; } //Tehrzky's Block Me edited by Evan_Evanescence if(pageViewerID==""){ alert("Please log in your FRIENDSTER account to view this page!"); top.location.href="http://www.friendster.com/login.php?next=/user.php?uid=USERID"; } //TRACKER OBJECT[/quote] [b]addBox Legend:[/b] [color=red][b]red[/b][/color] =>[b]use for old addBox function by Marfillaster. Not compatible withwvmV3.1.1[/b] [color=blue][b]blue[/b][/color] => [b]use for new addBox function by Marfillaster.Compatible w/wvmV3.1.1[/b]
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]First of all, please familiarize yourself with all the codes & take note of the difference between css & js.[/b] The topic here is about compiling js so don't be asking about css considered only if

good posting bro, thxu .... so helping :midfinger:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]First of all, please familiarize yourself with all the codes & take note of the difference between css & js.[/b] The topic here is about compiling js so don't be asking about css considered only if

Am not sure how to do this.. Anyone free to help... Thks.. scriptFolder = 'http://www.yourhost.com/yourusername/scriptFolder/' scripts = new Array() scripts[0] = 'myloader.js' scripts[1] = 'mytracker.js' scripts[2] = 'mywhatever.js' for(x in scripts){ myscripts = document.createElement('script') myscripts.src = scriptFolder+scripts[x] document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(myscripts)}
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]First of all, please familiarize yourself with all the codes & take note of the difference between css & js.[/b] The topic here is about compiling js so don't be asking about css considered only if

^ Create a subfolder & name it as your scriptfolder. Inside your script folder, save any js you want in each file like for example, 1)if you want your who right clicked cbox by feruzz, save it as [b]wrccbox.js[/b] 2)if you want friend randomizer save it also as one file as [b]frbox.js[/b] 3)if you want wvm cbox mode, save it also as one file as [b]wvmcbox.js[/b] [b]So the above examples will be the contents of your scriptfolder, to apply it in the script it will then look like this:[/b] [b]Save as whatever you want to name it.This will then your main js file which you need to add in your linker to paste in your profile.[/b] [quote]scriptFolder = 'http://h1.ripway.com/Yourname/Script%20Folder/' scripts = new Array() scripts[0] = 'wrccbox.js' scripts[1] = 'frbox.js' scripts[2] = 'wvmcbox.js' for(x in scripts){ myscripts = document.createElement('script') myscripts.src = scriptFolder+scripts[x] document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(myscripts)}[/quote] [b]You can also make use of this as your multiple js injection to be injected inside your wvm,see 1st page number 5 topic on how I implemented it.There is also modification base on what archer posted in cradle forum.[/b]
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]First of all, please familiarize yourself with all the codes & take note of the difference between css & js.[/b] The topic here is about compiling js so don't be asking about css considered only if

hi mickyriora, or anybody who could help me, can u help me w/ my tracker. <">why does my tracker doesn't show in my profile? here's my profile.. [url]http://profiles.friendster.com/47530255[/url]

Last edited by paynosaj (2007-12-08 01:25:30)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]First of all, please familiarize yourself with all the codes & take note of the difference between css & js.[/b] The topic here is about compiling js so don't be asking about css considered only if

[quote=paynosaj]hi mickyriora, or anybody who could help me, can u help me w/ my tracker. <">why does my tracker doesn't show in my profile? here's my profile.. [url]http://profiles.friendster.com/47530255[/url][/quote] you dont have onload handler..and one thing more..you have to have a spave each and every code.. post here your js once again,the original one that youv took from mumbhaki..il fixed it up for you... :) post the link of your css as well..

Last edited by lordheinz (2007-12-08 01:37:56)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]First of all, please familiarize yourself with all the codes & take note of the difference between css & js.[/b] The topic here is about compiling js so don't be asking about css considered only if

@lordheinz, no thnx but i already fix it... i already figure out whats the problem and its the new addbox functions... thnx a lot...
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]First of all, please familiarize yourself with all the codes & take note of the difference between css & js.[/b] The topic here is about compiling js so don't be asking about css considered only if

[quote=paynosaj]@lordheinz, no thnx but i already fix it... i already figure out whats the problem and its the new addbox functions... thnx a lot...[/quote] yah i can see it bro..anytime.. =)
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]First of all, please familiarize yourself with all the codes & take note of the difference between css & js.[/b] The topic here is about compiling js so don't be asking about css considered only if

hey lordheinz, can u help me w/ my tracker scrollbar? i don't like it....... i want to change the scrollbar like the scrollbar of my other boxes.. and also the tracker text content i want to change it just like my other boxes text content.
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]First of all, please familiarize yourself with all the codes & take note of the difference between css & js.[/b] The topic here is about compiling js so don't be asking about css considered only if

dont get it. sumone said that control panel icon is @ the end of code, the welcome message is on top. heres my code. <">wen i tried that code, the welcome message appeared but my addboxes didnt show up.
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]First of all, please familiarize yourself with all the codes & take note of the difference between css & js.[/b] The topic here is about compiling js so don't be asking about css considered only if

[quote=paynosaj]hey lordheinz, can u help me w/ my tracker scrollbar? i don't like it....... i want to change the scrollbar like the scrollbar of my other boxes.. and also the tracker text content i want to change it just like my other boxes text content.[/quote] edit it in your tracker.css... =)
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]First of all, please familiarize yourself with all the codes & take note of the difference between css & js.[/b] The topic here is about compiling js so don't be asking about css considered only if

[quote=kielmaru_07]dont get it. sumone said that control panel icon is @ the end of code, the welcome message is on top. heres my code. <">wen i tried that code, the welcome message appeared but my addboxes didnt show up.[/quote] Remove the welcome alert, it is css not js so put it inside ur external css codes.
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]First of all, please familiarize yourself with all the codes & take note of the difference between css & js.[/b] The topic here is about compiling js so don't be asking about css considered only if

micky have a problem with random photo preview.. used your compilation as my guide --didnt work, tried to inject it thru JS injection -- still didnt work.. :crybaby:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]First of all, please familiarize yourself with all the codes & take note of the difference between css & js.[/b] The topic here is about compiling js so don't be asking about css considered only if

[quote=kielmaru_07]dont get it. sumone said that control panel icon is @ the end of code, the welcome message is on top. heres my code. <">wen i tried that code, the welcome message appeared but my addboxes didnt show up.[/quote] [b]@kielmaru[/b] I inserted the icon under control panel button below onload hander so that you don't need to make use of onload handler. If put it at the bottom, you then have to include the onload handler, but then it has been suggested eversince that we shouldn't make use too much onload handler inside one file as it may cause conflicts or freeze you page or any bugs.... regarding welcome alert, you should add that in your css ext. as what Bob mentioned above. [b]@ducheszv[/b] If you still have the code for photo gallery slide inside your compilation, then your random photo gallery with preview will not work. For it to work, you have to delete your code for photo gallery slide in your compilation.

Last edited by mickyriora (2007-12-08 13:24:52)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]First of all, please familiarize yourself with all the codes & take note of the difference between css & js.[/b] The topic here is about compiling js so don't be asking about css considered only if

ok micky.. for a while ... i cant see my scripts :crybaby: :crybaby:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]First of all, please familiarize yourself with all the codes & take note of the difference between css & js.[/b] The topic here is about compiling js so don't be asking about css considered only if

I could not get random photos to work so I created a new js file for the code and included both the js and css in that file then injected into my profiles. It worked on both my profiles. <">
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]First of all, please familiarize yourself with all the codes & take note of the difference between css & js.[/b] The topic here is about compiling js so don't be asking about css considered only if

[quote=ducheszv]ok micky.. for a while ... i cant see my scripts :crybaby: :crybaby:[/quote] Hiya..I just tested your codes with random photogallery added & it's working fine. View your codes all working in my test page: http://profiles.friendster.com/paige75 I'll put my codes back after you check the codes all working. I PM you already the url of your codes I stored for you.

Last edited by mickyriora (2007-12-08 16:25:49)

  • » [b]First of all, please familiarize yourself with all the codes & take note of the difference between css & js.[/b] The topic here is about compiling js so don't be asking about css considered only if

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